Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills
The movie Anchorman charmed movie watchers when it was released in 2004. Though approached from a comedic standpoint, it touched on topics like women in business and workplace conflict. Everyone laughed when Ron and Veronica hit each other with rude remarks in the movie, but demeaning comments between employees are far too common in the workplace.
In fact, statistics reveal the struggle managers face in terms of conflict in the workforce. The typical manager spends 25-40% of his or her time dealing with employee conflicts. That’s one to two days of every work week (Washington Business Journal, May 2005). These disagreements can stem from lack of emotional intelligence, work life balance frustrations, lack of communication skills and more. Delving into team development and leadership training can help identify the root of conflict and implement effective change. However, some conflicts can be resolved with minor adjustments.
Today, Dr. Farnaz shares tips for managers in conflict resolution and explains how negotiation is part of the resolution process. This video provides quick tips for leaders, human resources or any professional dealing with a dispute.
EI & Conflict Resolution: Leader Negotiation Skills
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