The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Updated On: November 20, 2023

By Hope

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Before we get into it... who am i?

Always good to put a name to a face, so firstly, my name is Hope!

Like you, I was stuck working 8-10 hour days building someone else’s dream.

I worked at one of those cool tech companies that has omelet stations for breakfast & craft beer on tap for after hours.

To a lot of people that’s a dream, but to me… something was missing.

All I really wanted, was to actually enjoy life – more vacations, less stress, buy myself nice things without worrying about the cost… but that was something my 9-5 couldn’t provide me.

That was until a few years ago when I discovered a way to make money online by actually helping real people. 

People in this case were local business owners across the US.

Me and My Puppy

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

They have no clue what it’s actually like to run the different types of businesses they write about.

I have absolutely no relationship with this program, so you can rest easy knowing I’m going to give you my honest opinion.

This review is written based on my own experiences with this business model.

All that being said, let’s jump into things.

How To Be An Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Management Monday: Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Actions speak louder than words. The most impactful way to inspire emotional intelligence in a team or group is to lead by example. In X-Men Days of Future Past, Professor Xavier is able to influence a friend to make a good decision and spare lives. It is the professor’s patience and empathy to his friend, more than his words that ignite change. Below are some tips to become a more emotionally intelligent leader.

5 Tips for Leading with Emotional Intelligence

  1. Listen first, talk later
    It isn’t possible to internalize what someone else is saying, if one doesn’t let them say it all and listen intently. This doesn’t mean forming opinions as they talk, this means quietly listening so the mind can understand each concept conveyed. This isn’t as easy as it sounds, because often people jump from topic to topic or need several attempts to convey a message. In essence, it takes patience to do this well, but it is worth the effort.
  2. Pay attention to signals
    Be able to notice and understand verbal and physical signals. This is a big part of emotional intelligence for leaders. Look for body language queues and underlying emotions.
  3. Think, think, think
    Take time to process facts, ideas and information you gather from others or within yourself. The first sign of emotional intelligence is being able to stay calm and take time before acting. Always make a habit of letting things sink in before acting or commenting.
  4. Self-Evaluate
    This means taking time to understand what you feel, because that is the only way to know how you perceive a situation and move forward confidently.
  5. Be considerate

Having internalized and processed both your own feelings and those of others make decisions taking everyone’s perspective into account.

As Henry Ford said “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle, as well as your own.” How else would it be possible to achieve a common important goal, while also helping others to achieve their personal goals in the process?

Photo Credit: Dell’s Official Flickr Page