Intelligent Outcomes for Success
Motivational Speaker
There are various Leadership Tips out there. Many which point to the fact that “some people are just born leaders”. Based on our expertise in training thousands of executives, and research, there is no such thing as a born leader. Just like there is no such things as a “born people’s person.” Leadership is a careful mix of many characteristics including people skills, drive, personal and emotional tenacity, which are nicely packaged and tied with a ribbon of humility. Among the various qualities of leadership sucess, humility is being studied as a trait that can greatly enhance leadership effectiveness. Research suggests that humility is multi-dimensional and includes self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking. Opposite to the term hubris which refers to overconfident pride and arrogance, humility empowers the individual to drive for excellence and meet face to face with and rectify the trials of the top leader, what we practice and incorporate here at the Center for Work Life in to our leadership training in the form of Emotional Intelligence. Many organizations hire top executives, or their next CEO based on their resume and come to be disappointed. Good leadership is not performed in a silo; which means its an interactions between traits, strong recruitment efforts to look for culture, team and value match. So the question that remains is how does one put the right amount of each of the above ingredients to arrive at highest leadership success? What does a successful leader look like? In other words, how does one learn to be a better leader? The answer is Training. The greatest Leadership Tip we can provide here is that, leadership is a muscle and needs constant exercise. The best leaders, make it their business to get the training and practice through having someone hold them accountable.
Center for Work Life Leadership Programs
Motivational Speaker
What Type of Speaker is Dr. Namin
There is a type of business speaker, that possess the best of all worlds, because they not only have the real world experience of business and speaking, but they have an audience-based attitude which means they create their speaking agenda and style based on what they know works best. This type of speaker has the motivational skills, the authoritative knowledge, and the polish and charisma of the successful executive because they are or have been one. This speaker believes that the best results are best achievable by working with you, to make your event (large or small) a success.
Unfortunately, this type is not easy to find. Their speeches are not one-size-fits-all because they will take their time to learn about your organization culture, strategy, and audience, they will design their speaking points accordingly. This type of speaker offers an incredibly powerful combination of success, a no none-sense attitude, and demanding relatibility driving an event with such a buzz that your audience will literally feel invincable. Only this type of speaker can bring your audience on-board to the vision that you have set out. An excellent motivational speaker will not only get your audience to listen, but will get your audience to “grow”.
Center for Work Life Leadership Programs
The terms vision is reality is the best way to describe the transformational speaking style of Dr. Namin. You see, anyone can call themselves an expert. Anyone can learn a message and deliver it to the audience. However, the truth is that people have their ways, and are most of the time are unwilling to really change permanently. Going from good to great takes a lot more than most want to admit. But because since childhood most everyone has come across people who have spoken to them, or perhaps at them, they internally know when to open their ears, and when to shut them tight; The key to Dr. Namin’s speaking success is that through her in-depth knowledge of the Art and Science of psychology, business analytics and global economics, she is able to deliver that message in a way that not only enlightens the audience, but removes their resistance to change. A champion has walked the talk and when delivering a message, speaks from experience and authority and hence it able to win the audience from the moment they make contact. Dr. Namin, Ph.D. has been a corporate psychologist for over 18 years. With an expertise in Industrial and Organizational psychology and Organization and People Performance, she has served as a Subject Matter Expert/Trainer and coach to various executive boards, corporate governances and organizations. Unique topics such Healthy Organizations, The Emotionally Intelligent Workforce, Purposeful Leadership, Culture driven Organization Change and Borderless Compensation Plans are only a few of the dynamic topics that she has a direct pulse on and
She has partnered with Fortune companies such as Mattel, Molson Coors, Nordstroms, Bank of America, Dell and various others to promote employee engagement, talent, leadership effectiveness, productivity and so much more.
She has been a sought after subject matter expert and speaker on various workplace and employee hot topics on media channels such as CNN, HLN, and FOX, and has been a contributor on various prestigious national newspapers and trade publications, such as the Huffington Post, Boston Herald, The New York Post, Forbes, and Orlando Business Journal and The Sentinel. As a member of the Orlando Speakers Bureau, Dr. Farnaz has not only the knowledge but the track record and credibility within the business community.
With her keen knowledge of people and organizations, and her drive for excellence, she challenges the audience by leading exuberating and insightful discussions, which breathe excitement, innovation and expertise in a direction that keeps the audience engaged and hungry for more.
No wonder she was selected as the Winner for the Women Who Mean Business Awards by the Orlando Business Journal. She not only talks the talk but walks it, as a small business owner who has served the community with her exemplary work for organizations in the Central Florida Community and Orlando, Florida. View Slideshow
Why and How is a Motivational and/or Keynote Speaker Unique
The Responsibility of a Motivational and/or Keynote Speaker
You are managing an important event. Admittedly, you could save the time and money and just send your audience a CD-ROM with information or hold a video conference, but you are making the conscious choice to have them physically attend. Why? The reason is that something important happens when you gather people together. It’s called SYNERGY. You have a message to deliver and a clear objective for your audience. This can only happen in an effective way if the attendees are in the right frame of mind. The question is how do you, as the host, get them there? When your audience takes their seats they are far from focused. In fact, they could be completely distracted: by travel, budgets, e-mail, voice mail, office politics, and life in general. To accomplish the objectives of your event, you must have them pause everything they are doing and be completely taken by the speaker. This is what’s called Ready To Learn. Topic directed learning is meant to translate to an action directly related to an objective. On the other hand, it could also be an inspiration that guides several actions, and becomes life altering.
An excellent Motivational and/or Keynote speaker sets the tone for excellence, engagement, and purpose and transforms the audience to the Ready To Learn state of mind. The right message and the right messenger are both equally important because they have the potential to tremendously effect your audience not only during that particular event, or that particular scenarior, but more importantly way above and beyond it.
So who should you choose to get this job done?
Below are the several types of speakers, which depending on your goals, could be the right for your event:
Type 1: This could be the author of last year’s book or executive from a previously successful company. You may have heard their speech at an industry conference within the past six months. Chances are, if you engage that person for your event, you will hear the same exact speech. In fact, that speech may have been given at your biggest competitor’s event the previous week. The topics can be interesting and their delivery motivating, but the content is usually very general. Even if this speaker is a celebrity (the author of this year’s book) the recognizable name is not as important as their message and what it does and does not accomplish for your audience. Which particular objective does this type of speaker meet? As a rule: the more general the speaker, the more general the results. If you have a large audience, and want to motivate them to embrace a specific topic (e.g. sales) or to consider a new market (e.g. the e-Business), this type of speaker can work. However, if there is a specific action you want the audience to take, for example, to build a strong vision for their salesforce, this type of speaker will simply not do.
Type 2: This type of speaker is a technical expert from the major research, accounting, analysis, tech or other specialty firms and delivers presentations developed and approved by their company based on careful research and subsequent reports. No matter how new or dynamic the category, every person from that firm will deliver the same presentation. They will not be keen to tailoring the content to meet the goals and objectives of your event. Since they have to be objective, do not expect them to include your company in their speech. As with the previous type, the very same speech may have been given at your biggest competitor’s sales meeting the week before your event. So which particular objective does this type of speaker meet? This speaker is very knowledgeable of facts and details of that particular expertise. As authorities, they can be very effective. However if your goal is to get them to “move your audience” and create a call for action, understand that the demand they generate is for their own company’s reports.
Type 3: This type of speaker is interested to introduce their services, their company and build an audience. So they don’t mind offering a charge free speech to a large audience.
There are two caveats here:
a. free is not always useful.
b. free is not always prepared.
So which particular objective does this type of speaker fulfill? Consider how much you investing in this event per person. If you believe that there is wide range to your audience’s interest level and you want to be able to move everyone equally, doesn’t make sense to invest more on your keynote than on your coffee? Audiences all over the world are now a lot more sophisticated than we may want to give them credit for. They do walk in not expecting much because they have seen some disappointing acts out there, but a good shaking at the core could mean so much for your purposes. Unless of course, you are just trying to get the job done!
Type 4: This is the group that absolutely loves to talk to your audience, tolerates little control from you and believes that they are the best speakers. They are not free but have some similarities with the free speaker, in that you can’t have high expectations of their content or connection to the audience. So what purpose do they meet? Your corporate execs are very important in that their mere presence delivers a message to the audience that your event is a priority. However, do not expect direction to be taken by them. They are motivated to get the job done, but further than that, don’t expect polished diction or even technical enlightenment. Expect the audience to feel important and to pay attention to what they say. But not necessarily to be moved. The audience will be impressed, but not necessarily relate.
Type 5: This is the hybrid type of speaker. This type of speaker possess the best of all the previous categories because they have not only been around but they have a learning attitude which means they created their style based on what they know works and doesn’t work. This type has the motivation skills, the authoritative knowledge, and the polish of the Exec and most importantly they are not free. This speaker believes that it is their job to work for you, and with you, to make your event (large or small) a success. Unfortunately, this type is not easy to find. Their speeches are not one-size-fits-all because they will take their time to learn about your audience, your needs and design the speech accordingly. They will have a common theme to work around and it builds from there. This type of speaker offers an incredibly powerful combination with which to kick off your event and make it a buzz. So what type of event would this speaker be best for? If you are looking for an expert to talk about a topic to teach your audience how it’s done, you can satisfactorily use with caution of course any of the already mentioned types. However, neither one is fit for a keynote. By nature, a keynote will have maximum impact, and hence is best delivered by a keynote speaker. Work with them to shape their speech by describing exactly what you need to accomplish with your event; more than with any other type of speaker. Only this type of speaker can bring the audience on-board to the vision that you have set out as part of your objectives. A good speaker will get your audience to listen, a good keynote speaker will get your audience to “grow”. By this I mean both in number for the next event, but more importantly existentially, because we all want to make a difference in someone’s life right?