Authority Profit Machine Review (2023): Best For Your eBook Funnel?

Updated On: November 28, 2023
Authority Profit Machine Review

While building a business or making money online is entirely possible, it requires serious effort. There is no such thing as getting rich quickly. Building a high-5-or-6-figure business will take months of focused effort and will likely have some recurring costs for things like tools, softwares, etc. Make sure you understand these two points in any business opportunity you consider joining.

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Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
Money-back guarantee
Q&A sessions
What I Didn’t Like
No success guarantee

It isn’t easy to sell an eBook. It would help if you nailed down the ideal combination of keywords, promotion, subject, and more. The good news is that you can rely on The Authority Profit Machine to assist you in doing just that! Read on to find out whether you’d be interested in this.

Alright, so Authority Profit Machine doesn’t exactly fit into a nice category.

At the end of the day, selling eBooks is a… unique way to think about making money.

It’s certainly possible to make money with off-the-wall businesses like this, but unless you’re interested in taking years out of your life to experiment on an unproven business model, I would look elsewhere.

My #1 personal recommendation if we’re talking about starting a fully-online business has got to be the Lead Generation & Ad Agency business models.

There are a handful of programs that teach you the ropes, but my #1 choice that combines both of those business models into one is the Digital Rental Method program

But, if you’re hard-pressed to jump head-first into an off-the-wall business model, let’s continue on to my full breakdown of Authority Profit Machine.

What Is Authority Profit Machine?

What Is Authority Profit Machine

Using the Authority Profit Machine, you can write, release, and promote an eBook to establish yourself as an expert in your field. You need 27 days to complete the task.

People with interesting lives and lots of knowledge will find this guide useful. Getting respect and recognition in your field is possible by establishing yourself as an expert. Enjoy a constant influx of ready buyers with plenty of disposable income interested in purchasing your eBook.

Before pushing more expensive products and services from your sales page, give your customers an entire eBook outline showcasing your expertise. Without skepticism, promoting high-ticket items will be easy.

It’s time to advertise your brand or company while increasing your business and eBook sales and revenue.

Who Is Paul Clifford?

Who Is Paul Clifford

Under the company he co-founded, Paul Clifford authored a manual titled The Authority Profit Machine.

He invented the Authority Profit Machine to assist budding writers in getting their works published and selling well. Very few, if any, of the students in this class have ever published or sold an eBook before.

However, by following Paul Clifford’s The Authority Profit Machine, they could attain success beyond anything most published writers have ever experienced.

What Is Inside The Authority Profit Machine?

What Is Inside The Authority Profit Machine

Module 1: The Big Picture

The Big Picture

  • Here are three hidden barriers keeping you from writing and publishing your eBook. (And how could there possibly be a simple way to get rid of all three of them at once?)
  • An overview of the APM funnel and instructions on how to complete one in under an hour.
  • If you’ve released an eBook, you’ll know precisely why you do not see the results you expected!
  • Your eBook funnel can be tweaked to transform even a dismal failure into a monster authority-building asset that generates leads, sales, and customers for you around the clock.
  • You’ll learn how and why selling only 19 copies of a 60-page APM eBook can bring in more big-ticket clients and money than most best-selling non-fiction writers do with thousands of copies sold!

Module 2: Research & Choosing A Topic For Your eBook

Research And Choosing A Topic For Your eBook

  • What exactly to write in your soon-to-be world-class eBook!
  • Using five untapped market data sources, you can determine if your eBook concept has any chance of success and, more importantly, if your eBook can sell. All of this can be accomplished for free in under fifteen minutes!
  • This guide will show you how to uncover flourishing but under-appreciated niches in your sector where people are desperate for the answers you have to offer.
  • Measuring the amount of money to be made in your niche!
  • Figure out what it is that your target audience wants. Therefore, you should base the whole outline of your eBook on these considerations to ensure that it will connect with your audience in 40 minutes or less.
  • Anti-common-sense strategies for squeezing every last penny out of your APM eBook and bringing in as many cash-rich clients!
  • How to know what info your audience is hurting for right now!
  • How to identify and strategically give the information they’re looking for using APM eBook for instant authority status. You can still become involved in that area even if you’re just in the warm-up stage!

Module 3: eBook Creation Module

eBook Creation Module

  • How to map out a detailed outline for your eBook creation checklist using their one, proven, tested framework in less than 10 minutes!
  • How to build a sizzling-hot eBook title that will compel your readers to purchase and read your eBook right now!
  • Choose “hot” keywords for your eBook title and its description to ensure it ranks high on Amazon right out of the gate!
  • Creating a signature eBook may seem counterintuitive, but there are many good reasons why you should avoid it.
  • In this lesson, you’ll discover how to balance providing the right content and avoiding the pitfalls of over- and under-delivering in your eBook.

Module 4: List Building/Marketing

List Building Marketing

  • The world’s number one, most criminally underutilized list-building source, where you may obtain hundreds of thousands of ultra-targeted leads for your APM eBook and other goods and services!
  • One free strategy for building a list super-fast!
  • Creating a database of leads eager to provide ideas for the eBook’s title, subtitle, description, and even individual chapters at free charge.
  • How to get as many readers and customers as possible from that big, ignored pool of piping-hot possibilities.
  • Two paid ways to establish a list of ultra-targeted prospects and grow your brand simultaneously!
  • Bonus list-building approach for free, word-of-mouth promotion of your eBook!

Module 5: Publishing

Research And Choosing A Topic For Your eBook

  • Formatting your eBook for different platforms!
  • Using images in your eBooks properly!
  • Step-by-step walkthrough of publishing your eBook on Amazon!
  • When it comes to Amazon’s KDP Select program, what is it about? Why and when should you have your eBook enrolled? What method brings maximum eBook sales and five-star ratings from your target consumers and clients?
  • Pricing your eBook
  • Protecting your eBook from digital pirates

Module 6: Launch


  • It’s possible to generate a torrent of five-star reviews for your eBook using a slew of sneaky tactics that are completely legal and ethical!
  • Learn how to release your eBook in a way that brings in a flood of purchases, rave reviews, and high-paying clients right from the bat.
  • What to say or write to your intended audience before you officially debut, including examples.
  • What to say or write when introducing your eBook or other product to the world to have folks salivating to get their hands on it.

Authority Profit Machine Pricing

Authority Profit Machine Pricing

If you’re interested in this course, you’re looking to shell out at least $497. There’s no mentioned limit to the Authority Profit Machine quantity you can purchase. But if you realize this is not for you, they have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Are There Alternatives To Authority Profit Machine?

Other Business Models To Choose From

Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue making money online. Here are just a few:

Is Authority Profit Machine A Scam?

Is It A Scam

Time for the $1,000,000 question: is Authority Profit Machine actually a scam?

I wouldn’t technically call it a scam, though others might.

It’s technically possible to make money with this program, so in that sense, it isn’t a scam.

What I’m saying is: after buying, someone will, in fact, send you a login to a website where you can actually view their material. No one is riding off into the sunset with your money, leaving you empty-handed… technically speaking.

But the second, more important question is: is Authority Profit Machine actually worth the investment?

My honest answer is that for most people out there, probably not.

There are countless other business models that are proven & easily scalable, so why risk it for… not an incredibly huge payoff?

I’d rather have a program with thousands of successful students & plenty of room for others to join.

If you’ve followed my blog for long, you know I recommend a few different programs depending on your skills & goals.

My current top choice is using the Digital Rental Method because you have a proven, systematic path to 6-figures, and you can do it from anywhere you want.

I’ve got friends in there that are posting deals from the middle of the woods in a camper van with their pet pig… which is kinda cool.

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money In 2022?

Make Money Online With Digital Landlord

Alright, time for me to get real with my lovely readers for a moment:

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

THAT BEING SAID: I would at least recommend you implement something that is tried and true, because I’ve seen TOO MANY people (including friends and family) get burned by stuff like Authority Profit Machine.

They come out of left field with some random idea, make it seem attractive, and then make themselves a quick buck by luring in unsuspecting people.

I’m not saying Authority Profit Machine itself is a piece of trash, I’m just saying you need to be very, very careful.

This is a big reason why I only recommend proven, tried and true business models, like Lead Generation & Ad Agencies.

There are a bunch of programs out there that teach you those skills, but my top choice is the Digital Rental Method program.

Why? It has proven leaders with their own 7-figure businesses implementing exactly what they teach you.

I’ve also got over a dozen personal friends in there, so I feel comfortable telling you it works.

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, their program works.

Here’s why:

1)Time: If you’ve got a spare hour or two each day, you can do this. If you want to drop everything and go all in, you can do this. More time obviously means faster results, but even putting in a few hours per day is enough to see real success.

And because of that flexibility, you don’t need to trade your time for money. Once the income starts, it’s recurring (for the most part).

That means you can take a month off, travel the country, pursue a passion project, chill on the beach, or charter a boat across the world.

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 OppOther Courses For 2024

Did Authority Profit Machine Make The List?

But you can only do that once you’ve created an income stream that doesn’t require YOU to be there all day, every day.

2)Big Margins: With most businesses, you’re often going to have really slim margins. That means you need to hit a serious scale to make serious money.

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on “auto-pilot.”

3)It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income by selling eBook, you would need to exert time and effort. And I can guarantee you, that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

4)You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with selling eBook is that you’re basically only helping yourself.

But With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other off-the-wall business models like selling eBook and maybe hit it big one day.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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