Kyani Review (2023): Is It The Best MLM Company Out There?

Updated On: November 21, 2023
Welcome to my Kyani review. My goal is to answer common questions like: how much it costs, if it's a scam, and if you can actually make money with it. The end goal is to help you understand if it's a good fit for you personally, and if there are any better alternatives out there.
Kyani Review

This Kyani review has been throughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
No business license is required to be a Kyani distributor.
They have a bonus dream car program.
Flexible working hours.
What I Didn’t Like
There are many complaints about their MLM business model
You must pay a start-up fee and annual fee to be a Kyani distributor.
You must meet specific requirements each month to maintain ranking.

You’re probably here because someone told you about the business opportunity Kyani offers. And you’re thinking about whether it’s legit or a scam.

To start, this is simply another MLM or network marketing program that focuses on selling other people’s products and heavily recruiting your friends and family to earn a commission.

But, to give this multi-level marketing company the benefit of the doubt, let’s take a look at Kyani to see if it’s worth a shot.

MLMs like Kyani are a bit of a mixed bag. They CAN be a legitimate way to make money, but some have a reputation for literally ruining people’s lives – so it’s important to know what you’re getting since each one is unique.

Like most of my readers, you were probably introduced to this one via a friend or some influencer you trust online.

And it makes sense why so many people recommend them:

Making money outside of a 9-5 can be… life-changing, to say the least.

So in this article, I want to help you explore two things:

  1. If MLMs are actually a worthwhile business to pursue
  2. If Kyani is a worthwhile MLM

Before that, I want to clear the air on something.

There are A LOT of people out there who bash all MLMs in any form. However, I’m not one of those people.

Instead, I want to genuinely educate you about them so that you can make an informed decision on how to proceed.

If you’re unfamiliar with what MLMs actually do:

They’re businesses in which you pay money to a company for the ability to sell their products.

Sometimes the products are actually kind of decent (I still remember my mom throwing pampered-chef parties when I was younger).

Other times the products are really poorly made and come with a high price tag.

Typically, the only way to really make money is to get people (mostly friends & family) to sign up with you for a recurring subscription.

If the product is 100% legitimate & valuable, it’s entirely possible to get people to sign-up and continue paying you.

If the product is subpar, you’ll usually burn those bridges kinda quickly and end up with $0 coming in each month.

The biggest issue I’ve seen is that this puts significant stress on your personal relationships, as you’re reliant on selling to your “network.”

Think about it: if you KNEW that every time your friend Sally called, she’d be trying to sell you on one of her products… you’d eventually stop answering Sally’s calls.

Now, this doesn’t mean MLMs are outright bad… it means you need to know what type of MLM you’re getting yourself into before you sign up.

Again, some MLMs provide real value to people, but MOST don’t – and so in this article, I’m going to explore the case with Kyani.

But before that, I want to ask you a question: what if there was a way to build actual recurring, semi-passive income?

Income that:

  • Doesn’t have inventory
  • Doesn’t make you sell to your friends & family
  • Doesn’t force you to recruit people onto your “team”

Something that you could make anywhere from $2,000 – $10,000 with consistently, month after month?

A stream of income that you can build as high (or low) as you feel like building it?

If that sounds interesting, you might want to think about using the Digital Rental Method.

If you wanna see what Kyani MLM looks like on the inside, keep reading.

What Is Kyani?

Kyani is an Idaho-based network marketing company that manufactures and distributes nutritional and wellness supplements through independent distributors.

Kirk Hansen, Carl Taylor, and Dick Powell, three Americans, founded Kyani in 2005. The chairman of the MLM company is Michael Breshears.

The History Of Kyani MLM

Kyani Founders

It all started in Alaska, where Idaho multi-millionaires Dick and Gale Powell were on vacation nearly 13 years ago. Dick and Gale may not be well-known, but you may have heard of their company, Mrs. Powells Cinnamon Rolls, which has stores in many malls.

Then, “Dr. Maureen McKenzie,” a biochemist and physiologist, happened to meet the Powells. She had spent more than ten years in Alaska researching the Eskimos and the food they ate at the time.

Dr. McKenzie was curious why the Eskimos are so healthy, and unlike most people, so many of them don’t get sick. After realizing that Eskimo diets consist mostly of wild Alaskan sockeye salmon and wild blueberries, she grew interested in these superfoods. This led to the discovery of something extraordinary.

Alaskan blueberries were not only more nutritious, but they were also 48 times more antioxidant-rich than blueberries cultivated in the United States. This is because of Alaska’s extreme weather, including long sunny days and freezing cold to extreme heat.

After Dr. McKenzie shared her deep knowledge with the Powells, they returned to Idaho Falls. Their neighbors, the Taylors and the Hansens, with whom they shared the good news, were delighted to learn that some foods could improve their health and well-being.

“Conrad & Bischoff,” one of the major oil distribution corporations in the United States, was already owned by the Hansen family. The Taylors also owned “Taylor Farms,” a big corporation. It’s second to one of the country’s top beef and potato producers.

Despite having developed profitable businesses of their own, the three families couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help others while simultaneously presenting a business opportunity. So the health supplement company Kyani was created in 2005, and the name was chosen because it means “strong medicine” in native Alaskan.

They were also able to invest extensively in the MLM company since their combined sales and profits surpassed $1 billion, making Kyani one of the most financially secure startups in the industry.

The MLM company now has its own Kyani science advisory board, which comprises of renowned doctors and scientists who work on research and development to help perfect the Kyani line of products and develop new dietary supplements.

Aside from that, the board makes its research findings public on the Kyani website, along with papers written by other researchers. More than 60 countries around the world now offer Kyani products, a step toward fulfilling the Powell family’s commitment to make their products available to everyone.


Kyani Tragedy

Sadly, nine Hansen family members, including Kirk and Jim Hansen Jr., died in a plane crash in South Dakota on November 30, 2019.

Four months before the plane accident, Travis Garza, president of Kyani said Jim and Kirk Hansen wanted Kyani to carry forward despite the tragedy that claimed their lives and seven others. The new president joined the MLM company in August 2019 when the Hansens and Carl Taylor realized Kirk needed help.

What Are The Kyani Products?

Kyani Products

Products from Kyani are composed of a variety of vitamins and other nutrients. Kyani’s products claim to promote superior health through a mainly holistic approach because they are mostly made from herbal extracts and all-natural ingredients.

What Is The Kyäni Triangle Of Health?

Kyani Triangle of Health

The Kyäni Triangle of Health is a one-of-a-kind wellness system inspired by Nitro Nutrition. Noni extract is included in Nitro, which aids in forming Nitric Oxide, which is needed to absorb the nutrients in Kyäni Sunrise and Kyäni Sunset. According to the company, these three vital Kyani products work together to provide exceptional nourishment that’s healthy for our immune system.

Kyani Sunrise

Kyani Sunrise

As the names imply, Kyani Sunrise should be drunk first thing in the morning.

Kyani Sunrise is a high-antioxidant juice available in a large glass container or a single-serve sachet. Blueberries, red raspberries, wolfberries, pomegranate, amla berry, broccoli powder, and spinach powder are just a few of the antioxidant-rich ingredients in this drink.

Kyani Sunset

Kyani Sunset

Kyani Sunset is best taken at night when the body’s lipid functions are at their most active. This is the reason behind the product’s name.

Kyani Sunset contains tocotrienols, omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, and vitamin D. All work to keep the body’s cells and the cardiovascular and immunological systems healthy.

This Kyani product is designed to supply essential nutrients to your body before you go to bed, so they can be absorbed and perform their wonders while sleeping.

Kyani Nitro Fx / Kyani Nitro Xtreme

Kyani Nitro

Natural ingredients originating from the noni plant are used in these products.

It is designed to increase the body’s nitric oxide production.

Which Kyani product has grape juice as a natural sweetener?

This, along with fructose, is used as a natural sweetener in Kyani Sunrise.

Does Kyani Help With Anxiety? uncovered over 100 unproven health claims and 100 suspicious income claims made directly by Kyäni’s corporation, distributors, doctors, and scientists in an April 2016 report.

They claim that their products may treat a wide range of health conditions, but none of these claims have proven true, including anxiety, cancer, diabetes, insomnia, lupus, MS, PTSD, ADHD, and more.

However, TINA claims that the company doesn’t have the competent scientific proof required by FTC regulation to back up its disease-treatment claims. None of the six white papers listed on Kyani’s website and written by members of the company’s Scientific Advisory Board fit the standard of solid proof required to back up the company’s claims.

Dr. Abbas Qutab, the three-member board’s chairman, also stated on Facebook that Kyani “hasn’t published in peer review journals.” Qutab remarked in response to backlash over his original post, in which he called prescription medications “one of the biggest causes of death in the United States.” The original post concluded, “Doctors can choose safer and natural products and procedures.”

The Kyani Science website, which previously included the six white papers and biographies of the Scientific Advisory Board members, is updated. According to recent reports, Qutab also appears to have resigned as chairman of Kyani’s Scientific Advisory Board. Qutab’s bio has been taken off Kyani’s website and other board members’ bios.

Are Kyani Products Approved By The FDA?


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t evaluate nutritional or dietary supplements or provide formal recommendations on their contents or label claims.

This is why the FDA does not assess Kyani products and ingredients for formal approval because they are nutritional and dietary supplements.

The Kyani Compensation Plan

Kyani Compensation Plan

Ranking System

You can go through a 15-level ranking system when you join Kyani as a distributor, boosting your earnings in the process. However, remember that you must have at least 150 personal customers QV to keep your rank. If you want to go up in rank, you must grow your overall group volume by selling products or recruiting others.

Genealogy Trees

A genealogy tree can be used to keep track of all of Kyäni’s Independent Partners. The Kyäni Compensation Plan has two genealogy trees: the Sponsor Tree and the Placement Tree. When they join Kyäni, a new Business Partner appears in both trees.

The Sponsor Tree

The Sponsor Tree works similarly to a family relationship tracker. Everyone you personally enroll is placed directly under you on your first level.

When you directly recruit team members, and they recruit a new Independent Partner, the new Partners are added to your second level below your team members.

Bonuses calculated via the Sponsor Tree are as follows:

  • Team Bonuses 
  • Generation Check Match

Placement Tree

Unlike the Sponsor Tree, you have full control over where your personally sponsored Partners are placed in your downline. Leaders may place newly enrolled Partners in multiple positions on the Placement Tree for various reasons.

These are some examples:

A) establishing teamwork;

B) geographical factors;

C) concerns about personal relationships; or

D) progressing to the next rank

Your Placement Tree’s ability to grow into a larger, more successful organization depends on new business partners.

When you personally recruit a new team member with Kyani, you may either put them in the Placement Tree right away or in the Holding Tank for up to 72 hours. If you don’t place them within the time limit, the system will place them at the bottom of your Placement Tree.

The Placement Tree is used to determine the following elements:

  • Fast Start Bonuses
  • Rank Bonuses
  • Kyäni Monthly PayGate Accumulator

What Do You Need To Become A Kyani Distributor?

To become an independent distributor, you need to enroll online using a current Kyani distributor’s sponsorship ID number.

You’ll need to buy a Distributor Pack, which includes forms and business training materials. This will help you in growing your own business.

You must also select a business builder pack, which costs between $89 and $1,999. Remember that more expensive packages have larger commissions.

There is also a $20 annual renewal fee.

Is Kyani A Scam?

Is It A Scam

So, time for the $1,000,000 question: is Kyani a scam?

No, not technically. They aren’t going to run off with your money and not give you what you paid for. It’s 100% possible to make money with this program.

That being said, it’s not nearly as simple as they want you to think it is.

There’s A LOT of work to be done up front, and no guarantee that you’ll be successful. The commissions are also fairly small.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for doing hard work now, so that I can reap the benefits later.

But if you’re going to work really hard for 3 months, and your reward is a $100 check… it’s not really a great opportunity.

If I’m gonna do that, I want the rewards to be HIGH and virtually guaranteed.

I’d rather put in that same 3 months of work (in my spare time) & build a handful of Digital Rental Properties that each produce $500-$2,000 checks every single month afterward (AKA recurring income).

And the cool part is that you can do it in a lot less time than 3-months (I personally did it in my first 2 weeks of using the Digital Rental Method).

Unlike with MLMs, you can do it from anywhere in the world, so it’s a genuine “laptop-lifestyle” business.

All you need is an internet connection.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper-van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Living happily is the top priority.

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 MLMOpp Courses For 2024

Did Kyani Make The List?

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2022?

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet-bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

I’ve also been on the other side of old friends trying to sell me their fancy new MLM products.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord.

Whether you’re a complete newbie or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


Time: If you’ve got a spare hour-or-two each day, you can do this. If you want to drop everything and go all-in, you can do this. More time obviously means faster results, but even putting in a few hours per day is enough to see real success.

And because of that flexibility, you don’t need to trade your time for money. Once the income starts, it’s recurring.

That means you can take a month off, travel the country, pursue a passion project, chill on the beach, or charter a boat across the world.

But you can only do that once you’ve created an income stream that doesn’t require YOU to be there all day, every day.

Ownership & Control: With MLMs, you don’t really “own” anything – everything belongs to the MLM.

If you read the contracts, they can kick you out at any time or change your commission at any time (it’s happened in a few high-profile MLM cases recently).

Why pour your soul into a business that could be taken away from you at the drop of a dime?

With the Digital Rental Method, you literally own all of the assets, which means you have ultimate control.

Big Margins: With MLMs, you’re often going to have really slim margins. That means you need to have a VERY large network to make serious money. This usually entails spending A LOT of money on ads and other methods for recruiting members.

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income with an MLM, you would need to sell twice as much inventory. And I can guarantee you that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with MLMs is that you’re likely going to ruin your personal relationships.

The MLM may have convinced you that you’re actually helping people, but it’s often not really true.

But With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other MLM programs like Kyani, which might make you money 12 months from now.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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