SEO That Works Review (2023): Is Search Engine Optimization Actually Legit?

Updated On: November 29, 2023
Welcome to my SEO That Works review. My goal is to answer common questions like: how much it costs, if it's a scam, and if you can actually make money with it. The end goal is to help you understand if it's a good fit for you personally, and if there are any better alternatives out there.
SEO That Works Review

This SEO That Works review has been throughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
High-quality video and audio content
Brian Dean will personally respond to your queries
Unique and advanced methods
What I Didn’t Like
Only available a few times every year
Prices change with every update

It’s another one of those SEO-focused online money-making courses that Brian Dean promotes. Simply told, it’s a how-to course.

It teaches you how to discover customers and close transactions for those clients…

But you must do all of the finding and closing yourself.

SEO That Works teaches you an online business model known as “lead generation.” In my personal opinion, this is probably the top business model out there.

While SEO That Works has its merits, it’s NOT my top recommendation if you’re interested in Lead Generation.

My top program in the lead generation category is going to be Josh Osborne & Sean Kochel’s Digital Rental Method program.

The thing is: there’s a good way and a bad way to run a lead generation business.

The bad way is using outdated SEO tactics and sketchy “black-hat” Google My Business listings to send phone calls to local businesses.

This leaves you at the mercy of Google’s search algorithm updates, which has a history of ruining lead generation empires in a single day.

I have friends that have gone from $50K/mo in passive income down to nearly $0 because their listings got suspended (and they never got them back!)

Every guru out there has “their secret method” to “ensure” Google doesn’t slap you down with a huge penalty. Well, to that, I say good luck fighting a $200 billion per year tech giant.

The good way to do lead generation is by building assets that YOU own while playing by the rules and giving companies like Google and Facebook what they desire most – relevancy.

In this model, you build high-converting digital assets (like a landing page) and push high-quality customers through them. You then flip these customers to a client that’s willing to take them and charge a fee for making the connection.

You’re kind of like a… lead dealer.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I recommend this lead generation program because it helps my boyfriend and I personally make over $20,000/mo on autopilot.

The cool part is that it shows you pretty much exactly what to do to create a recurring revenue stream that can bring you anywhere from a few thousand, to $10,000+ per month.

I really like how you can build it in only an hour or two each day, and you can grow it as big (or small) as you want to.

If that sounds interesting to you, check out The Digital Rental Method program here

That being said, let’s continue on to the SEO That Works review.

What Is SEO That Works?

What Is SEO That Works

As the name suggests, SEO That Works is a search engine optimization (SEO) online training course for company owners.’s owner and SEO guru Brian Dean came up with the idea.

So far, the SEO course has been revised three times and claims to revolutionize the world of SEO by helping businesses rank for the most competitive keywords in Google and other search engines.

Many people who believe in SEO know how important SEO (search engine optimization) is to their web content, and they hire a ton of writers to give them high-quality SEO-optimized articles.

Despite this, most of these websites still do not rank on Google.

So, is it really possible to SEO-optimize your website without waiting forever for the results?

SEO That Works claims it’s possible through the effective content marketing that the course teaches.

The strategy of Brian Dean is based on creating and marketing powerful content called The Power Page. The Power Page is designed to make the students of the course become SEO experts and industry leaders.

Who Is Brian Dean?

Who Is Brian Dean

For his expertise in SEO, Brian Dean was featured in Forbes as a “known SEO expert,” and he developed the SEO That Works program. Brian’s enthusiasm for fostering the growth of internet enterprises inspired him to leave his previous line of work ten years ago and embark on a career in search engine optimization.

The most competitive words on the web, such as “On-Page SEO” and “Keyword Research,” are two examples Brian ranked for on Google.

And if you checked, Brian has beaten numerous SEO companies in Google rankings. In fact, he runs an affiliate site, and it started to earn more than $10k per month in just 4 months!

His students in the course have now become SEO experts themselves, whose businesses have earned higher rankings.

Coaching is not the only business that Brian Dean is involved in. He also has an agency that provides SEO services to businesses that need to rank in even the most boring niche markets.

In the SEO That Works training program, Brian teaches the best SEO practices and his very own techniques on how he did it. In Brian’s course, you will access the exact same tactics he used, including SEO techniques for your social media platforms.

In the SEO That Works course, Brian begins with an overview of the traditional SEO and backlinks that we all know and compares this to his own strategy, convinced that his method works.

He will also provide you with SEO case studies to further back up this claim.

SEO That Works Pricing

SEO That Works Pricing

There are just a few opportunities to take Brian’s course each year.

A new version of Brian Dean’s SEO training comes with a new price tag, making it one of the most costly online coaching courses.

Because the course is available only a few times annually, you might have to register on the waiting list to ensure your slot the next time it opens.

Currently, the website is directing prospective students to join Brian’s waiting list for the next coaching sessions.

You can join Brian Dean’s SEO That Works with a membership-level package.

This package divides the training into 3 levels: ‘SEO That Works Complete’ at $397 per month, ‘SEO That Works Advanced’ at $197 per month, and ‘SEO That Works Standard’ at $97 per month.

These prices change every time the online course gets revised. See the chart below:

SEO That Works Price Range

What’s Included In SEO That Works?

Whats Included In SEO That Works

This course will teach you how to make “power pages,” which are designed to get people to link to and share them, thereby increasing your page rankings, and it consists of 5 modules with bonus lessons.

These 5 modules attribute their effectiveness to 3 secrets:

The online tutorial, consisting of a video series, is done step-by-step. Each clip is about 10 minutes long and comes with a transcription in PDF that you can download and print. MP3 files are also provided for those who want to listen on the go.

Module 0: Introduction

Module O talks about the common SEO mistakes that people make. They are:

  • Using new, high-quality content to keep your website up to date
  • Concentrating on long-tail keywords
  • Inactively building links

In this module, Brian tells his students what works in SEO, which he outlined under the title “The New World of SEO.

Module 1: Fast Track SEO Success

Module 1 is all about how to get your website to rank on the first page of Google. And his methods claim it can be done within a short period of time.

Here, he explains the “Linkreators,” how one type of content can be created that people would be excited to link and share.

This approach has consequently attracted bloggers with big names in the industry to get to share them with their followers.

Module 2: How To Publish Content That Attracts Links, Traffic, And Customers

In Module 2, you will be taught how to create quality content for “Power Pages,” which you can use to leverage for targeted traffic and authority backlinks repeatedly.

Also featured are 7 proven Content Frameworks that effectively drive targeted traffic and build links with real-world examples from which you can draw inspiration.

Another topic included in this module is how to create what he calls “Share Triggers.” These Share Triggers are viral infographics that can be shared to generate buzz and, in turn, make you an established go-to expert in your niche.

Module 3: How To Promote Your Content And Get Backlinks From Authority Sites

Module 3 is another step-by-step tutorial on how to create effective, killer content.

These are the strategies you need to build links and promote your content effectively so that your site obtains first-page rankings for competitive keywords such as “Keyword Research, “Backlinks,” and “On-Page SEO.”

Module 4: SEO Energizers

Module 4 is the last module in the package. Here, Brian will share with you effective on-page and off-page SEO techniques.

The Wet Clay Link Building is one of the best techniques Brian shared in this module, where link-building opportunities are emailed to you daily so you can learn how to increase your on-page SEO effectiveness.

He also has this topic “The CTR Magnet Method,” where search engine traffic is directed to your website within a short period of time, typically just within a few days,

SEO That Works Course Quality

SEO That Works Course Quality

The video and audio recordings included in the STW online learning tool are of the highest possible quality.

In addition to this premium video course, students can also access PDF transcriptions.

Additionally, you get access to Brian Dean for any questions you may have, and he will respond to you personally.

Moreover, all students have been automatically added to the STW community, where they can further interact and exchange knowledge.

Other bonus stuff includes Backlink insider sessions, lifetime course updates, exclusive field reports, and other important updates there may be.

Does SEO That Works Deliver?

Does SEO That Works Deliver

As much as I appreciate the groundbreaking advances that Brian’s ideas have brought to the SEO industry, the success of any given course ultimately rests with the person taking it.

SEO That Works claims to get high rankings within a short period of time and drive targeted traffic using their methods. These methods in SEO That Works are so well explained that by the end of the course, students are able to assess and evaluate their competitors’ content and improve theirs as a result.

I’m talking about 60,000 monthly visits to new websites here by using STW’s strategies. You can check out blog posts across the web for this.

However, this impressive coaching course still has its share of a few downsides.

Although this course is a great resource for SEO beginners and website owners, prospective students should know that SEO overall is not easy or predictable.

As you may already know, algorithms can change without prior warning, so there is no 100% way to stay on top of the SRPs forever.

Yeah, that sounds like a dick thing to say, and if you’re gonna put in the amount of grueling work to become an SEO Specialist (which, trust me, isn’t easy), you might as well bring in some REAL money.

The program that helped skyrocket my online business to $40,000+ per month teaches some SEO marketing skills but shows you how to monetize them in a much more profitable way.

Is Search Engine Optimization Worth It For A Small Business?

Is Search Engine Optimization Worth It For A Small Business

Yes, of course!

The return on investment much outweighs the initial cost, making this a wise financial move.

With SEO, time is a crucial element. The more you delay investing in your SEO, the more potential revenue is lost.

When you rank in search engines, you are, in fact, increasing your chances of building a steady and solid income.

Who Is SEO That Works Best For?

Who Is SEO That Works Best For

Everyone can benefit from SEO That Works! The course is designed for anybody interested in learning more about SEO, from complete novices to seasoned experts. Use it with confidence for:

  • Digital marketing agencies which aim for top-rated results
  • SEO analysts
  • Ecommerce site owners
  • Freelance writers
  • Freelance Graphic designers or web designers
  • Affiliate marketers

A lot of business owners online invest in their websites’ SEO, but they don’t get results.

This is mainly due to the fact that they are doing it the “normal” SEO way.

SEO That Works gives you a new and innovative approach to SEO which other online coaching programs do not provide. If you want to learn SEO the unconventional way, STW is the go-to program.

While this may be good for anyone at any level, it is important to mention that SEO beginners who can’t write or get content may find it a bit difficult to follow.

What Is SEO That Works 2.0?

What Is SEO That Works 2.0

The second edition of this guide is an improved version written with white-hat link-building techniques in mind.

Price: From $900 to $2000

Language: English

Score (0 to 10): 7

Is SEO That Works Worth The Money?

is seo that works worth the money

If you want a complete SEO System, SEO That Works 2.0 delivers.

This business training course is valued at $3,000. Though you may find cheaper SEO courses, some may even be free. However, the methods in the SEO That Works course are much more advanced and unique. It offers unconventional methods for building quality backlinks using white-hat techniques.

What sets STW apart from the other SEO courses is that Brian Dean developed his own unique methods that have been proven effective by countless former students.

It’s worth the money, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you are a newbie or anyone who isn’t willing to spend that much money. You may check out other courses, but I can’t guarantee that it’s as effective as Brian Dean’s STW.

The only thing that really sucks about SEO, in general, is that even if you rank a client’s site…they can leave you at any time.

In fact, it’s quite normal for that to happen. And that sucks because you’d be losing a nice $3,000-$5,000 check each month.

Then you’re left with nothing of value and no leverage.

That’s why I recommend a business model that uses the same SEO skills but in a way that you can hold eternal leverage on…

Why Does SEO Matter To Your Business?

Why Does SEO Matter To Your Business

In today’s digital age, every business now needs SEO strategies.

For any company to succeed, it needs a good number of customers.

According to Karl Kangur of Business Media:

“SEO is one of the best investments you can make if you’re building a business for the long term. No other marketing channel can give you this type of scale and reach for free.”

To get that audience, there are two ways to do it.

We all know that there is a bigger picture involved than just Google trying to tell us that they’re here to help you get free leads. Of course, they are after selling advertising together with those search results.

No, it couldn’t be out of just good intentions. Google is here to make money, just like you!

Google will put you at the top of the search results under one condition: to put relevant ads around them, hoping that your audience or potential customers would click those ads, so they get paid in return for giving them the best options.

Don’t get me wrong; there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. After all, they own the search engines.

Not all of your competitors have the luxury of time or even the willingness to follow a program such as Brian Dean’s SEO That Works so they can rank organically. Some of them would rather pay.

But sadly, however, that doesn’t work for most companies which are normally short on time and money.

The following are some of the issues when people buy their way into it:

  • It’s a never-ending cycle of paying just to rank in the SERPs.
  • You will eventually pay more as Google always tries to get more from their “auction.”
  • You still have to ensure those clicks are converted into sales to get back what you initially spent.

In case you’d rather put in your effort in a program like SEO That Works, you must diligently work on the learning materials until you get your desired results – which I’m sure you will.

Is The Course Worth It?

Is It Worth It

The true measure of online success is when you hit your target number of leads and conversions.

Generally, you have two paths to obtain these leads: Traditional advertising (Paid) or Earned advertising (Free).

First is traditional advertising, which all of you surely know how works – by spending money on ads. When done right, you get your products to your target customers; long story short, they buy them.

It’s that simple. It hasn’t changed.

Second is free or earned advertising, where organic and word-of-mouth leads are generated.

If you aim to rank at the SERPs and earn organic traffic, I would highly recommend that you get Brian Dean’s course. Again, it’s all up to how much work you are willing to put in to make the $497 per month course worth your time and energy.

Bottom Line: Is SEO That Works Legit?

Is SEO That Works Legit

Obviously, it is!

SEO is a very comprehensive subject involving a strategic play of many factors and elements in the search engines’ ever-changing algorithms.

What’s frustrating is that you’d find websites with sh@#$ty content that rank higher!

The SEO That Works blueprint gives its students a detailed and comprehensive guide on how to produce and implement SEO-driven results.

Brian Dean’s revolutionary SEO methods on content marketing are phenomenal, with great emphasis on quality over quantity.

And the production quality of the program materials reflects that.

No wonder people are investing in it despite the not-so-cheap pricing.

Does that answer your question?

It is entirely possible to build a profitable, successful online business, however, that you can own and control.

My #1 pick proves this. And unlike STW, it actually provides real proof of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago.

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 OppLead Generation Courses For 2024

Did SEO That Works Make The List?

Are There Alternatives To SEO That Works?

Other Business Models To Choose From

Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue this making money online. Here are just a few:

Is SEO That Works A Scam?

Is It A Scam

Alright, time for the $1,000,000 question: is SEO That Works actually a scam?

No, it’s not a scam, technically speaking. They aren’t going to take your money and run off, leaving you empty-handed. It’s actually a halfway decent lead generation course.

It’s just not my top choice.

The Digital Rental Method program is unique. They give you over 30 proven templates (ad copy, targeting, keywords, exact landing pages, etc.) so that you can hit the ground running.

The people that run the program actually have an agency that does 7-figures per year, which is a major advantage over most other lead generation courses.

Think about it: what if you could put in a few hours of work each day (whenever you feel like it), and you were rewarded with a recurring $500-$2,000 payment for each site you put up?

And what if it only took you a week or two to get that first payment?

And what if you could double or triple that payment over the following month or two?

That’s what you get when you’re a Digital Landlord.

All you really need is a laptop and some internet.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Living happily is the top priority.

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

My #1 Recommended Way To Make Money Online In 2023

Make Money Online With Digital Landlord

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I have an actual lead generation business
  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


1)Time commitment: If you have an hour or two per day, you can do this. Even if you want to drop everything and commit fully, that works too.

You don’t have to be constantly working to make money. The income you generate is recurring.

Imagine taking off for a month to places like Hawaii, Paris, National Parks, & other spots people only dream about – all while collecting dozens of little $500-$2,000 checks. It’s like a dream come true.

But it’s only possible to do it when you’ve separated your income from your time.

2) Complete control: You completely control everything, which means no one can take your business away from you. This is a huge difference from other lead generation models, where Google can end you at the snap of a finger.

3) It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

4) Great Margins:

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

5) You’re Helping REAL People: With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other lead generation programs like SEO That Works, which might work out.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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