Making money online is the sweet spot in the gig economy that most individuals seek. Whether you want to be a six-figure marketer or merely supplement your regular income, I’m pretty sure digital marketing piques your interest most.
Nowadays, social media marketing has become the most common entry platform for those who want to establish a business.
Anyone can create a page and own social media business in a few clicks, but keeping it in the long run with substantial income might be an uphill struggle. Can an online marketing course really help you?
Rockstar Marketing Blueprint offers life-changing skills necessary for your online business. But is it the real deal?
Nobody wants to fall into any online scam artists’ trap, so let’s find out!
In this Rockstar Marketing Blueprint review, we’re going to go deep into the upsides and downsides of the program.
But before we can say Rockstar Marketing Blueprint is good, we have to ask a very important question: is affiliate marketing even worth it?
Like other affiliate programs, we get pitched an ultimate dream…
Run an amazingly profitable business where you don’t have to worry about anything – no products, no inventory, no shipping, no customer service.
The only thing you need to worry about is putting this product in front of someone that wants to buy it, and the rest is money in the bank.
The best part?
“You can do it from anywhere in the world!”
Sounds pretty great… but is it?
It is 100% possible to make money with affiliate marketing – the real question is: is Rockstar Marketing Blueprint the best affiliate marketing program out there?
Well, the most difficult (and therefore most valuable) skill in the internet business is driving traffic AKA getting people to visit a website.
Later on we’ll talk about why it’s so difficult to drive quality traffic.
But for now, let’s just say it isn’t exactly an easy process (unless you have a proven traffic source for the exact product you’re trying to sell).
If you really break it down, is affiliate marketing much different than a 9-5 job? You work for someone else, sell their stuff, and they can fire you at any time.
You don’t really control anything, despite doing the most important part – driving traffic.
To be 100% clear, I’m not saying affiliate marketing wont work. If you’ve followed my blog for long, you’ll know that I’ve made money myself as an affiliate marketer (selling women’s health products).
I have several friends that make over $20,000/mo as affiliate marketers.
What you don’t hear about is the $200,000 they had to invest UP-FRONT to start making that money.
But let’s suppose that you REALLY want to work that laptop-entrepreneur lifestyle.
What if there was a way you could build a legitimate recurring income stream?
Recurring income that doesn’t require:
- Tens of thousands of dollars and months of time before seeing $1
- Doing the heavy lifting, but only getting a small % of the sale
- Living at the whim of another person that could take it all away if they feel like it
Something that could net you anywhere from a few thousand, to over $10,000 every single month, practically on auto-pilot.
A recurring income stream that you could build in a few hours per day, grow as big (or small) as you want, and doesn’t leave you at the mercy of another person?
If that sounds interesting, the Digital Rental Method might be for you.
It kind of takes the nice parts of affiliate marketing but transfers the control back to YOU.
All that being said, let’s continue on to the Rockstar Marketing Blueprint review.
Introducing Rockstar Marketing Blueprint
This mentorship program allegedly discussed everything you need to be a marketing Rockstar. Rockstar Marketing Blueprint is an LA-based company built by Rene Lacad for people to get engaged in the marketing business and generate online revenue up to seven figures!
The company assures you’ll get money similar to what Rene’s making. As stated on the website, you can even outgrow his current income. That’s pretty exciting, even to me. Still, I noticed the lack of testimonials coming from students who experienced the program firsthand.
Nevertheless, you still get tips and tricks from Rene Lacad. This guru promises to disclose the secrets of how he makes his digital marketing business a huge success.
Rockstar Marketing Blueprint, in general, is an online business course that mainly focuses on building your own social media business from scratch. This helps you become familiar with the skills needed in digital marketing by using your laptop and mobile phone.
Rene Lacad’s program consists of free online marketing templates and 8-hour walk-through lessons on building your own online business. All you have to do is sign up for the class, make your payment, and access everything inside the program.
You also get the chance to be part of Rene’s Private Marketing FB group, where members thrive together and share their digital marketing takeaways. It’s a good opportunity to be surrounded by a group of aspiring marketing “Rockstars.”
The best thing is, it doesn’t require much of your time. 10-minutes per day is enough to finish everything. As a business manager, Rene intentionally designs the program to be short and simple without sacrificing the quality of the lesson.
What’s Inside Rockstar Marketing Blueprint?
Rene Lacad brags about scaling his own business to over $300,000 just last year. He makes his own brand through the use of google search. After spotting a potential product, he simply ran online advertising on social media, and buyers kept coming in.
He also builds up a social media marketing business that lets other products and business owners generate leads through his templates. Aside from running an e-commerce store, his team serves as an advertising agency for other business owners.
Rockstar Marketing Blueprint teaches the most effective ways to shift from traditional marketing to social media marketing.
Instead of running advertisements on several outlets like radio, TV, and newsletter, which requires a significant amount of money. With this method, you’ll only have to put in online marketing efforts and unleash your creativity to make it successful.
Let’s look inside Rene’s digital marketing course program to assess if his statement and promises are true.
Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship
Before you build and handle your own online business, you first have to know the foundations of entrepreneurship. You have to be familiar with the upsides and downsides of social media marketing to spot and grab the right opportunities.
Rene Lacad creates seven lessons to help align yourself to the world of entrepreneurship. Rockstar Marketing Blueprint basic training covers the following:
- Meet Your Mentor Rene Lacad
- Difference between Trend and Fad
- The Benefits of Google University
- Basic Economics: Supply and Demand
- Hidden Opportunity Cost
- The Basics of Digital Marketing and Networking
- Developing a Winning Mindset
Think Like A Winner
Rockstar Marketing Mastery features a mastermind training as well. Rene Lacad will train you on different values required in a successful social media marketing business.
Along the way, you’ll definitely face some digital marketing pitfalls. That’s just the name of the game. This includes rude clients, lack of leads, and clients that fall off. Rene believes that the correct viewpoints will keep you from backing out when you go through tough times.
Rockstar Marketing Mastery training is divided into the following lessons:
- Making Calculated Risks
- Be a Maker, not a Hater
- Be Prepared to Fail and Plan to Succeed
- The Joys of Failure
- Setting up a Feedback Loop
- Persistence and Patience
- Arrogance and Confidence
Fundamentals Of Marketing
Since the core of this course talks about digital marketing, expect that it’ll require some techie skills. Aside from sales charts and algorithms, a solid foundation of knowledge is necessary to keep your own business up and running.
Rene Lacad walks you through the following lessons of marketing and advertising:
- Developing Brand Loyalty
- The 7 P’s of Marketing
- The Customer Journey Process
- Cold vs. Hot Traffic
- Data Analysis Fundamentals
- Key Performance Indicators
- The Online Media Buying Revolution
- The Online Marketing Feedback Loop
- Split Testing Lesson
- Logo Design
- The KLT Strategy
Act Like An Advertising Agency
Aside from the aforementioned ad lessons, Rene covers media buying on Instagram and Facebook. You have to work on catchy slogans and layouts to generate online revenue from ads.
Rene insists that these are the best platform for paid ads, in fact, potential buyers spend most of their time scrolling on Facebook and Instagram.
Here is the list of lessons covered in this program:
- Overview of Facebook and Instagram
- Ads & Business Manager
- The Facebook Pixel
- Creating Facebook Campaigns
- Using Objectives Effectively
- Budgeting and Targeting
- Developing Good Creatives
- The Rockstar Method
Sell Where People Look For You
One of the strategies presented in this course is to sell products to people who are looking for the products you’re selling. This part covers utilizing the Google search engine and YouTube ads. You can skyrocket your online store through these platforms.
This topic is divided into 9 lessons:
- Overview of the Google Network
- Search Campaigns
- Display Campaigns
- YouTube Campaigns
- The Bidding System
- Identifying Audiences
- Scaling and Optimization
- Scaling Examples
- Alternative Platforms
Unleash Your Creativity
You can fully optimize your place adverts with suitable demographic and algorithms. However, most of your success in digital marketing relies on how well you design your ads. Media buying is pointless if you’re just throwing a lousy ad out there with no real thought behind it.
Advertisement, in other words, can either waste your capital or generate tons of leads. It’s, therefore, crucial to plan and think about your ads before you run them on different platforms. Rene constructs the following topics to help you out:
- Unleash Your Individual Creativity
- Brainstorming Effectively
- Brainstorming Effectively Live
- Creative Advertising Wins
- What Makes a Great Ad
- The Anatomy of Successful Ads
- Converting Copy
- Examples and Extras
Know About Marketing Psychology
Effective marketing comes with being able to understand what your clients are thinking. You must learn how to play their game; a sense of being understood can go a long way in an ad campaign.
Aside from media buying and running ads, Rockstar Marketing Blueprint covers these topics about Marketing Psychology:
- The Most Powerful Word in Marketing
- Cognitive Biases
- Recognizing the Hook
- How to Develop Trust
- Conflict and Objections
- Putting the Customer First
Make Money In Rockstar Marketing Blueprint
The last part talks about the their monetization method. The most important part of the program seems also to be the most confusing. It simply tells you to apply everything you’ve learned to convert it to a reasonable amount.
And though it’s possible to gain revenue, applying everything isn’t a short-term thing. Rene presents 5 models that serve as a pattern to his 7 figure income.
He also gives awards and recognition to anyone who finishes the entire program. Here are the last lessons you need to go through:
- The A la Carte Model
- Consulting Model
- Agency Model
- Equity Agency Model
- Founder/eCommerce Model
Lifestyle Mastery Bonus
As the old saying goes, “more money, more problems.” Rene’s bonus package mirrors this phrase. He’ll prepare you with ways to handle financial distress.
Rene tells you straight-up that you’re going to encounter obstacles when you first get a million-dollar income.
To help you when you get there, I recommend you research these money-related stress management topics:
- Cash Flow Management
- Traveling to Avoid Burnout
- Wealthy People Maintain Their Health
- Love and Relationships
Is Rockstar Marketing Blueprint Scam Or Legit?
So, time for the $1,000,000 question – is Rockstar Marketing Blueprint a scam?
No, it’s not a “scam,” technically speaking. They aren’t going to collect your payment and then ride off into the sunset without delivering you a program.
You can make money with this program. My only gripe is that making money with affiliate marketing is NOT NEARLY as easy as Rene Lacad wants you to think it is.
As we said earlier, the most important part of doing affiliate marketing right is driving traffic. That means being good at:
- Writing ads that sell
- Running ads on Google
- Running ads on Facebook
- Writing website blogs
- Ranking websites
- Converting users that land on your site
- Email marketing
And a whole lot more.
If you’re going to spend time learning those skills, why not do it in a way that makes YOU all the money – instead of someone else?
There’s just a lot of work to be done here and no real guarantee of success (not to mention commissions can be small).
Don’t get me wrong – I’m ALL FOR doing the hard work now, so that you can reap the benefits later.
But if you’re going to hit something super hard for 3-6 months, and your reward is barely enough money for a tank of gas… it’s just not worth it (in my opinion).
Again, I’m not saying it won’t work – I’ve personally made money with it, as have many of my friends.
I’m just saying it’s a situation where the stars need to kind of align for you in a perfect way.
And you shouldn’t be in the business of leaving your fate up to the stars…
But what if instead of all that, you could work those same 3-6 months, and generate a handful of checks that generated you $500-$2,000 EACH, every single month (almost on autopilot)?
And what if you learned it from someone who has already mastered the ability to drive traffic profitably?
Better yet, what if you could see your first payment in one week, not 3 months?
And what if you could double or triple that income within the next month or two?
That’s my experience with being a Digital Landlord.
All you really need is a laptop and some internet.
Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:
- Camping trips at national parks
- Beachfront in Hawaii
- On the road in a camper-van (with a pet pig!)
They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program.
They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.
Living happily is the top priority.
If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!
How Does Digital Marketing Work?
Digital marketing, in its broadest sense, relates to paid ads via digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. It serves as a vehicle where businesses advertise goods, services, and brands through these online media channels.
To make it clear, these channels easily reach a LOT of potential customers. You can either endorse others’ items or your own brand. Either way, you’ll have commission and revenue from sales you make.
Pretty much every effort you put in online benefits most businesses and companies out there. Your target leads set success in this business model. The more buyers, the higher the commission rate. If the odds are in your favor, you can start scaling up to six figures.
In addition, online advertising is easier than traditional marketing. You can target buyers anytime, anywhere.
Just remember that this platform has tough competition, so you better really plan out your campaigns in advance. It should be carefully thought out, stand out, grab attention, and influence the target audience better than everyone else’s does.
Who Is Rene Lacad?
Rene Lacad is a 25-year-old marketer who ditched college to prioritize his e-commerce business.
Aside from Rockstar Marketing Blueprint, he built Lacadvertisement, a company that focused only on adverts. Rene claims that he was able to partner with 20 different firms, which produced 10 million dollars in revenue.
This guy also serves as a consultant to many of social media’s familiar faces. They seek out his expertise in paid ads.
Rene Lacad is known for having his flashy lifestyle on social media. Of course, he has all the rights since he manages a six-figure online enterprise. I mean, what’s the point of wealth if you ain’t gonna use it for your own enjoyment?
It’s pretty fascinating how a college dropout turned out to be a millionaire. I think it says a lot for how much potential success that anyone can have with digital marketing!
Rockstar Marketing Blueprint FAQs
Who Is The Rockstar Marketing Blueprint For? This program is best for budding entrepreneurs. Rene Lacad presents step-by-step procedures and the necessary foundation needed in digital marketing.
In general, it’s ideal for anyone who wants to start their own social media business with little capital.
What Will You Get From The Program?
After going through the lessons, you are expected to acquire skills in the following area: Social Media Marketing, Mindset Mastery, Marketing Psychology, Business Principles, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and Search Engine Optimization.
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What Are The Requirements To Join The Course?
There are no requirements. Even if you’re a beginner or an expert, they’ll welcome you into the program. You don’t have even have to be tech-savvy. All they ask of you is the desire to learn advertising and marketing.
After signing up, you’ll have to pay $179, and every topic mentioned above will be accessible.
Does Rockstar Marketing Blueprint offer a Discount?
They have an ongoing promotion at the moment. From 179 dollars, Rene makes only $29. However, the slot and time to avail of this discount are limited.
Does It Have Money-Back Guarantee?
If you’re worried about the price value, Rene assures you that he’ll return all your money once you’re dissatisfied with the course.
Like other money-making programs, this 30-day guarantee gives the confidence to take the risk and sign up for the program.
Are There Alternatives To Rockstar Marketing Blueprint?
Yes, there are other options available online. You can try lead generation, dropshipping, and other business models.
However, if you can’t commit 100% of your time, I suggest that you start with a less hassle program. Something that sets you up for passive income.
What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025?
I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:
- I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing
- I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
- I’ve drop-shipped a toilet-bowl putting green on Shopify
And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.
That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord
Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.
1)Time commitment: If you have an hour or two per day, you can do this. Even if you want to drop everything and commit fully, that works too.
You don’t have to be constantly working to make money. The income you generate is recurring.
Imagine taking off for a month to places like Hawaii, Paris, National Parks, & other spots people only dream about – all while collecting dozens of little $500-$2,000 checks. It’s like a dream come true.
But it’s only possible to do it when you’ve separated your income from your time.
2)You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With affiliate marketing, you don’t really own a single thing – not even the customers you worked so hard to “acquire”.
Don’t believe me? Go read the terms of service for any major affiliate program – they can fire you or change your compensation at the drop of a dime.
With the Digital Rental Method, you own everything, so you have ultimate control.
3) It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…
If you wanted to double your income as an affiliate, you would need to sell twice as much inventory, or double your profit margins. And I can guarantee you (from my days selling women’s health products as an affiliate), that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.
4)Great Margins: Margins on affiliate products can be pretty low, unless you’re selling high-ticket products. When you sell high-ticket stuff, you typically have a lot of competition, and so driving traffic is expensive.
using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.
Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.
Best case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.
5) You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with affiliate marketing is that you’re selling products that will bring you the biggest commission, not the products that will help people the most.
It’s cool in the short term to make a quick buck, but in the long-term, it eats away at your soul.
But when you’re a Digital Landlord, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:
Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If we can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.
You’re helping a struggling mother or father put FOOD on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.
Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.
So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other affiliate programs like Rockstar Marketing Blueprint, which might make you money 12 months from now.
You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.
OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.
Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.
If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.