SEO Blueprint Review (2024): Is Glen Allsopp Actually Legit?

Updated On: February 7, 2024


Welcome to my SEO Blueprint Review review. My goal is to answer common questions like: how much it costs, if it's a scam, and if you can actually make money with it. The end goal is to help you understand if it's a good fit for you personally, and if there are any better alternatives out there.
SEO Blueprint 2 Review

This SEO Blueprint Review review has been throughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
High-quality SEO training
Interactive community
Competitive SEO methods are used
What I Didn’t Like
Expensive membership cost
Course content doesn't apply to beginners
Not suitable for all business owners

Building a name for yourself in the competitive field of digital marketing may take time and effort.

However, your business will undoubtedly see significant growth by adopting the best practices.

SEO Blueprint teaches you an online business model known as “lead generation.” In my personal opinion, this is probably the top business model out there.

While SEO Blueprint has its merits, it’s NOT my top recommendation if you’re interested in Lead Generation.

My top program in the lead generation category is going to be Josh Osborne & Sean Kochel’s Digital Rental Method program.

The thing is: there’s a good way and a bad way to run a lead generation business.

The bad way is using outdated SEO tactics and sketchy “black-hat” Google My Business listings to send phone calls to local businesses.

This leaves you at the mercy of Google’s search algorithm updates, which has a history of ruining lead generation empires in a single day.

I have friends that have gone from $50K/mo in passive income down to nearly $0 because their listings got suspended (and they never got them back!)

Every guru out there has “their secret method” to “ensure” Google doesn’t slap you down with a huge penalty. Well, to that, I say good luck fighting a $200 billion per year tech giant.

The good way to do lead generation is by building assets that YOU own, while playing by the rules and giving companies like Google and Facebook what they desire most – relevancy.

In this model, you build high-converting digital assets (like a landing page) and push high-quality customers through them. You then flip these customers to a client that’s willing to take them and charge a fee for making the connection.

You’re kind of like a… lead dealer.

If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I recommend this lead generation program, because it helps my boyfriend and I personally make over $20,000/mo on autopilot.

The cool part is that it shows you pretty much exactly what to do to create a recurring revenue stream that can bring you anywhere from a few thousand to $10,000+ per month.

I really like how you can build it in only an hour or two each day, and you can grow it as big (or small) as you want to.

If that sounds interesting to you, check out The Digital Rental Method program here

That being said, let’s continue on to the SEO Blueprint review.

What Is SEO Blueprint?

What Is SEO Blueprint

SEO Blueprint is a course in search engine optimization (SEO).

In particular, it offers cutting-edge strategies for generating and refining content and linkages.

New features have been added to make it even better than the original SEO Blueprint course. Founder Glenn Allsopp is releasing a new edition of SEO Blueprint in October 2021, which he calls SEO Blueprint 2. The goal of SEO Blueprint 2 is to take your traffic, career, and network to the next level.

While anybody may take the course, familiarity with SEO basics is helpful initially.

Modules in each section range from 4 to 57, and the course has more than 150 videos. The following are the portions broken down:

  • On-Site SEO
  • Link Building
  • Keyword Research
  • Content
  • Local SEO
  • Expert Case Studies

Who Owns SEO Blueprint?

Who Owns SEO Blueprint

While still in high school, Glen Allsopp created his first website about a local football team and started his career as an internet marketer specializing in SEO. He’s the person to ask if you want to know the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO).

His first clients were Nissan, Land Rover, and Hewlett-Packard, and he was executing SEO campaigns for them by the time he was 19 years old.

He sold his website for an unknown five-figure price when he was only 20 years old. To date, he has made most of his money from specialized websites built by acquiring domains that already had traffic and a high number of high-quality backlinks.

Glen also runs a well-known website called, where you can get a variety of SEO-related information. If you’d want to stay up to date on what’s going on, you may sign up for his newsletter.

SEO Blueprint Overview

SEO Blueprint Overview

On-Site Blueprint

On Site Blueprint

In this tutorial, Glen will teach you how to optimize individual web pages for search engines. In this part, you may access Glen’s SEO tools, such as the website crawler he developed himself, the four main methods for discovering potentially harmful pages on your site, and the many ghost page tactics.

Link Building Blueprint

Link Building Blueprint

Link building is a time-consuming procedure that may aid or hamper a website’s performance, depending on how well it’s executed. That’s what gives your site authority in the eyes of search engines, which helps you rank higher, even for highly competitive keywords.

Back in the day, and even today, several websites offered backlinks in exchange for a price; the difficulty is that it’s unclear where these backlinks come from.

The techniques Glen teaches in this section will give you access to a specific tool for effective influencer outreach. You’ll also learn about targeting people who frequently connect to social media sites such as Facebook and how to use an integration tool such as Zapier that can match other websites that are relevant to yours.

Keyword Blueprint

Keyword Blueprint

Keywords play a crucial part in having your content rated well, and Glen Allsopp’s SEO Blueprint shows the value of keywords by going through the fundamentals of competition and search volume in detail.

This subject is covered in more detail in many other classes, including how to identify excellent keyword phrases that are not found using search tools. You’ll learn more about the keyword phrase that enabled him to make an extra $50,000.

Content Blueprint

Content Blueprint

Even if you’ve found the most lucrative keyword money can buy, your efforts will only be for something if you can back it up with high-quality content. Think about how many blogs are updated daily and how many are just rewritten versions of older posts: What a mind-boggling sum!

All of the people are competing for the same amount of room. You must distinguish yourself in this environment, and Glen demonstrates how to do so through the use of several kinds of content that rank best.

Local SEO Blueprint

Local SEO Blueprint

Glen brings in two local SEO experts to help you with additional strategic advice on this matter.

Even though local SEO is sometimes disregarded, it’s very beneficial for local businesses that specialize in a certain field of expertise.

Experts Blueprint

Experts Blueprint

In this course’s last unit, Glen will introduce you to a wide range of SEO specialists, each of whom will supplement the skills you’ve already acquired with their own unique set of methods.

This is beneficial because you don’t only receive what has worked for Glen, but you also get a new perspective on those techniques.


SuperPixels are a technology that has been around for a long time, but it’s one that most people aren’t acquainted with or have never heard of.

They make it possible to show more information on your website and might help you get an advantage over your competition.

Extra Blueprint Audits

Extra Blueprint Audits

In this additional module, you will have the opportunity to examine ten websites with Glen and conduct an audit of them to determine where the problems are and how to resolve them.

Throughout, Glen provides counsel and direction.

Community Support

Community Support

Providing assistance and support is essential in every training course, and it’s impossible to complete one without it.

Fortunately, Glen Allsopp’s SEO Blueprint includes a library of questions and answers from past talks that should prove very beneficial.

There’s also a private Facebook group where you may discuss whatever you’re interested in learning about, all of which contribute to your overall SEO knowledge expansion efforts.

Who Is SEO Blueprint For?

Who Is SEO Blueprint For

Although this course is open to anybody, most students will already have some familiarity with search engine optimization (SEO).

This is helpful for company owners who want to improve their SEO skills and those who want to establish, operate, and develop their online business properly rather than dump hundreds of thousands of dollars down the toilet.

SEO is essential for long-term success. Thus, SEO Blueprint teaches you SEO methods that will grow your business and help you to make more money online.

In the future, when your website is established and attracts visitors, it will continue to do so around the clock. You won’t have to pay a thing!

SEO Blueprint Cost

SEO Blueprint Cost

There are two types of membership, but the prices are very different.

You’ll get lifelong access to more than 100 videos with over-the-shoulder instruction, all future course updates, a private community of support, and a 14-day money-back guarantee when you pick the $597 subscription.

In contrast, if you choose the $4,597 membership, you will get all of the benefits listed above and 90 days of one-on-one help from Glen and his staff at However, you will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement beforehand.

Does SEO Blueprint Come With A Refund Policy?

It does, but only if you pay the cheaper $597 membership fee, which expires after 14 days.

6 Things You’ll Be Able To Do After You’ve Completed The Training

Six Things Youll Be Able To Do After Youve Completed The Training

The course’s objective is to provide you with practical outcomes, such as the ability to:

  1. Within minutes of looking at any website, including those with in-house SEO teams, you may discover problems.
  2. Make sure you know exactly how to build links to websites in a way that isn’t bad for them (without begging for them at scale).
  3. Seek keywords with a lot of traffic and little competition, so they work in any field.
  4. Create content ideas that have the best chance of getting people to talk about them (and link to them) in your industry.
  5. Use the best practices in the SEO industry regarding local SEO and growing local businesses through search.
  6. To get help if you need ideas or feedback from the people in the community or other SEO Blueprint members.

Are There Alternatives To SEO Blueprint?

Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue this making money online. Here are just a few:

Is Glen Allsopp’s SEO Blueprint A Scam?

Watch Trading Academy Not A Scam

Alright, time for the $1,000,000 question: is SEO Blueprint actually a scam?

No, it’s not a scam, technically speaking. They aren’t going to take your money and run off, leaving you empty-handed. It’s actually a halfway decent lead generation course.

It’s just not my top choice.

The Digital Rental Method program is unique. They give you over 30 proven templates (ad copy, targeting, keywords, exact landing pages, etc.) so that you can hit the ground running.

The people that run the program actually have an agency that does 7-figures per year, which is a major advantage over most other lead generation courses.

Think about it: what if you could put in a few hours of work each day (whenever you feel like it), and you were rewarded with a recurring $500-$2,000 payment for each site you put up?

And what if it only took you a week or two to get that first payment?

And what if you could double or triple that payment over the following month or two?

That’s what you get when you’re a Digital Landlord.

All you really need is a laptop and some internet.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 OppSEO Courses For 2024

Did SEO Blueprint Review Make The List?

Living happily is the top priority.

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

What’s My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2024?

Make Money Online With Digital Landlord

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I have an actual lead generation business
  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


1)Time commitment: If you have an hour or two per day, you can do this. Even if you want to drop everything and commit fully, that works too.

You don’t have to be constantly working to make money. The income you generate is recurring.

Imagine taking off for a month to places like Hawaii, Paris, National Parks, & other spots people only dream about – all while collecting dozens of little $500-$2,000 checks. It’s like a dream come true.

But it’s only possible to do it when you’ve separated your income from your time.

2) Complete control: You completely control everything, which means no one can take your business away from you. This is a huge difference from other lead generation models, where Google can end you at the snap of a finger.

3) It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

4) Great Margins:

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

5) You’re Helping REAL People: With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other lead generation programs like SEO Blueprint, which might work out.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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