Ultimate Home Profits Review (2023): Is Affiliate Marketing Worth Trying?

Updated On: November 29, 2023
Ultimate Home Profits Review

While building a business or making money online is entirely possible, it requires serious effort. There is no such thing as getting rich quickly. Building a high-5-or-6-figure business will take months of focused effort and will likely have some recurring costs for things like tools, softwares, etc. Make sure you understand these two points in any business opportunity you consider joining.

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Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
Video and PDF training is available
Home training program
No prior knowledge required
What I Didn’t Like
Additional upselling
Poor and dated quality of training
Unable to contact support for refunds

You’ve seen a few scams and maybe even fallen for one or two. They’re advertised with eye-catching neon graphics, promise enormous payments, and include pictures of rented houses and strangers in expensive suits.

Today, I’ll look at another online training course called Ultimate Home Profits that claims to disclose a secret strategy for earning up to $400 per day from the comfort of your home, requiring NO SKILLS!

Is this pitch familiar to you?

I’ve heard this far too often.

Most of these products seem to employ similar sales pitches and, even worse, crappy website layouts.

In this Ultimate Home Profits review, I’m going to go deep into the upsides and downsides of the program.

But before I can say Ultimate Home Profits is good, I have to ask a very important question: is affiliate marketing even worth it?

Like other affiliate programs, we get pitched an ultimate dream…

Run an amazingly profitable business where you don’t have to worry about anything – no products, no inventory, no shipping, no customer service.

The only thing you need to worry about is putting this product in front of someone that wants to buy it, and the rest is money in the bank.

The best part?

“You can do it from anywhere in the world!”

Sounds pretty great… but is it?

It is 100% possible to make money with affiliate marketing – the real question is: is Ultimate Home Profits the best affiliate marketing program out there?

Well, the most difficult (and therefore most valuable) skill in the internet business is driving traffic AKA getting people to visit a website.

Later on, I’ll talk about why it’s so difficult to drive quality traffic.

But for now, let’s just say it isn’t exactly an easy process (unless you have a proven traffic source for the exact product you’re trying to sell).

If you really break it down, is affiliate marketing much different from a 9-5 job? You work for someone else, sell their stuff, and they can fire you at any time.

You don’t really control anything, despite doing the most important part – driving traffic.

To be 100% clear, I’m not saying affiliate marketing won’t work. If you’ve followed my blog for long, you’ll know I’ve made money myself as an affiliate marketer (selling women’s health products).

I have several friends that make over $20,000/mo as affiliate marketers.

What you don’t hear about is the $200,000 they had to invest UP-FRONT to start making that money.

But let’s suppose that you REALLY want to work that laptop-entrepreneur lifestyle.

What if there was a way you could build a legitimate recurring income stream?

Recurring income that doesn’t require:

  • Tens of thousands of dollars and months of time before seeing $1
  • Doing the heavy lifting, but only getting a small % of the sale
  • Living at the whim of another person that could take it all away if they feel like it

Something that could net you anywhere from a few thousand, to over $10,000 every single month, practically on auto-pilot.

A recurring income stream that you could build in a few hours per day, grow as big (or small) as you want, and doesn’t leave you at the mercy of another person?

If that sounds interesting, the Digital Rental Method might be for you. 

It kind of takes the nice parts of affiliate marketing, but transfers the control back to YOU.

All that being said, let’s continue on to the Ultimate Home Profits review.

Ultimate Home Profits Overview

Quick Overview

Name: Ultimate Home Profits (UHP)

Product Type: Business training course

Ultimate Home Profits Website: ultimate-home-profits.com

Cost: $97 + $166.97 in upsells

Home Profit System Founder: Emily Hudson, Michelle Robinson, Cami White – (All fake personas!)

My Score: 1/10

Verdict: SCAM

Summary: Unfortunately, there are several warning signs with Ultimate Home Profits.

The founders, the income figures, and the testimonials are all made up, and it’s all part of a sales pitch that promises you’ll “become wealthy soon.”

Furthermore, the actual product to which you are given access behind the scenes is of little use since it contains no useful information; all you get are some basic and out-of-date courses in internet and affiliate marketing, which will not assist you in making money online.

As a result, many members have sought refunds but were unsuccessful.

In my opinion, this is another fraud. So, unless you don’t mind being out of money by $100 or more, I strongly advise you to avoid this one.

What Is Ultimate Home Profits About?

What Is Ultimate Home Profits About

Working from home for only 60 minutes a day and participating in Ultimate Home Profits appears to promise a daily income of $379.

But in truth, the mysterious man is feeding you nothing but get-rich-quick nonsense. Do you know of anybody who made a living with little effort and no experience working online?

The answer is, of course, no.

While the UHP behind the scenes presents some value, there is virtually no possibility you will make the amount of income that has been guaranteed to you.

Another huge red flag about this ridiculous job opportunity is that I found out it’s a carbon copy of the following:

  • Home Cash Code
  • Cash From Home
  • Home Jobs Now
  • Home Jobs Source
  • Paydays At Home
  • Replace Your Job
  • Internet Careers Online

These are only a few of its dark sisters that I’ve discovered so far, but I’m sure there are plenty more of these shady offers waiting to entice you.

Now, let’s get to the bottom of why ‘UHP’ isn’t quite up to the standard.

How Does Ultimate Home Profit System Work?

Following payment, you’ll have access to the members-only area of the website, where you can download the affiliate marketing and internet marketing training course, which covers everything from boosting website traffic to Drop Shipping.

This also includes three lessons to get you started quickly.

However, if you are assuming that ‘UHP’ is your effortless “golden ticket” to getting rich, you will be quite disappointed.

To begin with, it takes a lot of effort, sweat, and tears to create a full-time income online. We all know that.

And I’m afraid there isn’t any other way.

Second, not only is the content quality very poor, but it’s also outdated.

It just lightly runs through multiple techniques rather than showing you the details of a single approach.

In any case, here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll learn:

Web Traffic

Web Traffic

This course comprises 12 videos that will teach you how to increase your website’s traffic and build your email list using the autoresponder service Aweber.

The main problem is that it is not a step-by-step tutorial but a collection of films that provide a high-level overview of the tactics.

As a result, there’s nothing solid here.

Affiliate Marketing (Link Posting)

Affiliate Marketing

Here, you will be given an introduction to what affiliate marketing is all about.

For example, generating Clickbank affiliate links, performing keyword research for product marketing, and putting an opt-in form on a free website to collect subscribers.

It’s basically a bunch of basic facts with very little meat on the bone.

If you want a REAL course with a REAL mentor that teaches you REAL techniques, check out my #1 recommendation!

eBay Books

eBay Books

There are 3 PDFs, each covering a different element of making money on eBay.

Despite the abundance of material, little practical instruction was offered.

Drop Shipping eBooks

Drop Shipping eBooks

You may read two dropshipping PDFs if you’re not interested in affiliate marketing or selling on eBay.

There’s a lot of information. However, there are no videos that show you how to ACTUALLY do it.

The Master List

On Clickbank, you will find a list of the ten leading “making money” online products.

Clickbank, unfortunately, does not have a strong reputation for products sold in the “make money online” market.

But don’t misunderstand this – there’s some good stuff on Clickbank.

It’s simply a matter of doing your research before you make any purchase or opt to sell as an affiliate.

Furthermore, ‘The Master List’ shows plenty of affiliate marketplaces from which you may earn online.

But it’s simply a list of niche markets, and you aren’t taught how to identify a profitable one.

Almost everything in the PDFS and videos can be obtained for free on YouTube and in blog posts.

So why spend your $97 for such basic content that won’t even offer you in detail how your business can get started online?

You can certainly make money with Affiliate Marketing, but if you’re gonna put in the amount of grueling work to become an Affiliate Marketer (which, trust me, isn’t easy), you might as well bring in some REAL money.

The program that helped skyrocket my online business to $40,000+ per month teaches some of the same Affiliate Marketing skills but shows you how to monetize them in a much, MUCH more profitable way.

What’s The Price Of Ultimate Home Profits?

Whats The Cost Of Ultimate Home Profits

It will cost you almost $100 to obtain access to the UHP resources.

There are also upsells you need to consider:

  • Upsell #1: VIP Membership – $147.
  • Upsell #2: Coaching Call – $19.97.

Since there is little to no information, however, it is unknown what the VIP upsells offer.

But what truly worries me is that UHP does not provide phone or email support because some users have expressed dissatisfaction with their inability to contact them for refunds.

In all honesty, I would think long and hard about investing in this training course.

Home Profit System Review: Final Conclusion

Final Conclusion

After all, as I’ve stated in this unbiased review, it’s an indisputable reality that Ultimate Home Profits or UHP is a fraud that should be avoided.

To reiterate, let’s go through the following:

First off, you can’t trust any training platform that employs multiple domain names and identities, intentionally creates fake personas for its inventors, and raises other red flags, such as false testimonials.

Secondly, the training is awful because it fails to present the specific processes or step-by-step instructions necessary to establish and scale a web-based business from the ground up.

If you’re a rookie, you should look over the shoulder of a truly successful internet business owner if you’d like to earn a huge monthly income.

UHP, clearly, does not provide this.

Third, some unhappy members cannot receive feedback regarding their refund request simply because there’s no customer support available!

Do you really think this curriculum will give value for your money and help you succeed online?

In my opinion, don’t compromise your standards because you can do so much better than getting scammed by UHP. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Miami, England, or any country – steer clear of this program!

It’s entirely possible to build a profitable, successful online business easier without Ultimate Home Profits.

My #1 pick proves this.

And unlike Ultimate Home Profits, it actually provides REAL PROOF of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago.

Are There Alternatives To Ultimate Home Profits?

other affiliate marketing programs to choose from

Yes, there are plenty of Affiliate Marketing programs and resources to choose from if you want to pursue this business model. Here are just a few:

Is Ultimate Home Profits A Scam?

Is It A Scam

So, time for the $1,000,000 question – is Ultimate Home Profits a scam?

No, it’s not a “scam,” technically speaking. They aren’t going to collect your payment and then ride off into the sunset without delivering you a program.

You can make money with this program. My only gripe is that making money with affiliate marketing is NOT NEARLY as easy as Ultimate Home Profits wants you to think it is.

As I’ve said earlier, the most important part of doing affiliate marketing right is driving traffic. That means being good at:

  • Writing ads that sell
  • Running ads on Google
  • Running ads on Facebook
  • Writing website blogs
  • Ranking websites
  • Converting users that land on your site
  • Email marketing

And a whole lot more.

If you’re going to spend time learning those skills, why not do it in a way that makes YOU all the money – instead of someone else?

There’s just a lot of work to be done here, and no real guarantee of success (not to mention commissions can be small).

Don’t get me wrong – I’m ALL FOR doing the hard work now so that you can reap the benefits later.

But if you’re going to hit something super hard for 3-6 months, and your reward is barely enough money for a tank of gas… it’s just not worth it (in my opinion).

Again, I’m not saying it won’t work – I’ve personally made money with it, as have many of my friends.

I’m just saying it’s a situation where the stars need to align for you in a perfect way.

And you shouldn’t be in the business of leaving your fate up to the stars…

But what if instead of all that, you could work those same 3-6 months and generate a handful of checks that generated you $500-$2,000 EACH, every single month (almost on autopilot)?

And what if you learned it from someone who has already mastered the ability to drive traffic profitably?

Better yet, what if you could see your first payment in one week, not 3 months?

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 OppAffiliate Marketing Courses For 2024

Did Ultimate Home Profits Make The List?

And what if you could double or triple that income within the next month or two?

That’s my experience with being a Digital Landlord.

All you really need is a laptop and some internet.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Living happily is the top priority.

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2023?

Make Money Online With Digital Landlord

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing
  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


1)Time commitment: If you have an hour or two per day, you can do this. Even if you want to drop everything and commit fully, that works too.

You don’t have to be constantly working to make money. The income you generate is recurring.

Imagine taking off for a month to places like Hawaii, Paris, National Parks, & other spots people only dream about – all while collecting dozens of little $500-$2,000 checks. It’s like a dream come true.

But it’s only possible to do it when you’ve separated your income from your time.

2)You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With affiliate marketing, you don’t really own a single thing – not even the customers you worked so hard to “acquire.”

Don’t believe me? Read the terms of service for any major affiliate program – they can fire you or change your compensation at the drop of a dime.

With the Digital Rental Method, you own everything, so you have ultimate control.

3)It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income as an affiliate, you would need to sell twice as much inventory, or double your profit margins. And I can guarantee you (from my days selling women’s health products as an affiliate) that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

4)Great Margins: Margins on affiliate products can be pretty low, unless you’re selling high-ticket products. When you sell high-ticket stuff, you typically have a lot of competition, so driving traffic is expensive.

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

5)You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with affiliate marketing is that you’re selling products that will bring you the biggest commission, not the products that will help people the most.

It’s cool in the short term to make a quick buck, but in the long term, it eats away at your soul.

But With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other affiliate programs like Ultimate Home Profits, which might make you money 12 months from now.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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