Hold Leaders Accountable

Updated On: November 17, 2023

By Hope


Before we get into it... who am i?

Always good to put a name to a face, so firstly, my name is Hope!

Like you, I was stuck working 8-10 hour days building someone else’s dream.

I worked at one of those cool tech companies that has omelet stations for breakfast & craft beer on tap for after hours.

To a lot of people that’s a dream, but to me… something was missing.

All I really wanted, was to actually enjoy life – more vacations, less stress, buy myself nice things without worrying about the cost… but that was something my 9-5 couldn’t provide me.

That was until a few years ago when I discovered a way to make money online by actually helping real people. 

People in this case were local business owners across the US.

Me and My Puppy

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

They have no clue what it’s actually like to run the different types of businesses they write about.

I have absolutely no relationship with this program, so you can rest easy knowing I’m going to give you my honest opinion.

This review is written based on my own experiences with this business model.

All that being said, let’s jump into things.

Hold Leaders Accountable

Management Monday: Managing Leaders

National Legion recently landed in a sticky situation. Despite being the country’s largest organization of Wartime Veterans, providing financial, social and emotional support to members of the United States Armed Forces, veterans and their dependents, the group likely faces serious changes in leadership thanks to lack of accountability. Sometimes known simply as “The Legion,” the organization is under fire due to allegations of preventable deaths. As a result, three executive leaders were put on administrative leave until further notice. This type of compromised leadership is not an isolated situation. Certainly executives need to be responsible for their own behavior, but boards and companies could also do more to help them stay accountable (Washington Post).

How to Hold Leaders Accountable:

  • Make expectations clear
  • Convey orders of priority to prevent confusion
  • Give continuous and consistent feedback
  • Avoid saying “you” when addressing an issue (it feels accusatory)
  • Provide leadership coaching to help leaders stay on track

When caught in the trap of poor decision making, it’s never easy to change old habits. In fact, it can be a slow and difficult process. But learning to make positive decisions is absolutely crucial. If ignored, the inability to rely on inner strength and intuition will undoubtedly negatively impact a leader’s work teams, family, friendships or marriage at some point. Accountability isn’t always easy. Emotional intelligence training is also a highly effective way to deal with this struggle in order to avoid landing in troubled waters. When correctly nurtured, leaders can do great things. Organizational leaders and executives are not super heroes, they are humans. In order for them to succeed, they must have a support system and guidance.