Nine University Review (2023): Should You This Buy Amazon FBA Course?

Updated On: November 21, 2023
Nine University Review

While building a business or making money online is entirely possible, it requires serious effort. There is no such thing as getting rich quickly. Building a high-5-or-6-figure business will take months of focused effort and will likely have some recurring costs for things like tools, softwares, etc. Make sure you understand these two points in any business opportunity you consider joining.

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Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
Facebook group page for customer service
Make money quickly with a mini Facebook marketing course.
Comprehensive Training
What I Didn’t Like
Expensive Program
Too many marketing upsells
Involved in some controversy, such as asking customers to flag negative reviews on YouTube.

You might be wondering if Nine University is really the best Amazon FBA course out there.

This review will assess whether this is the right online business opportunity for you and whether or not Nine University is legit or a scam.

I’m sure you’re already itching to find out everything about Nine University, so let’s get right down to business.

Nine University is pretty similar to most other FBA programs. They pitch you on the “dream” of running a profitable e-commerce business that can generate cash while you sleep.

All without having to invest much money upfront into things like inventory & advertising…

Too good to be true?

Not necessarily – Amazon FBA programs have certainly minted a few online millionaires.

It was actually one of the first online business models I made money with.

So as far as making money online goes, there are A LOT worse things you could be doing than Amazon FBA.

That being said, you shouldn’t start a business because “it’s not as bad” as some other type of business – it needs to stand on its own merits.

Choosing between the lesser of two evils always results in, ya know – evil.

So in this Nine University review, I’m going to break down exactly who FBA is good for and who should avoid it.

There are a few important things you need to keep in mind when considering FBA as a business:

  • Operations
  • Finding winning products
  • Time (the most valuable thing of all)

Again, it’s 100% possible to make legitimate money with FBA, but it is NOT a simple business.

Let’s talk about why:

Operations: The big pitch with FBA is that you don’t really need to do much because Amazon handles all the heavy lifting (shipping, packing, returns, etc.).

That’s cool and all, except for the fact that Amazon actually has incredibly strict guidelines that you need to follow to even be able to ship out of their warehouses – something most programs don’t tell you about in their great marketing materials.

This process typically takes a solid 4-5 hours alone. So unless you have a very large team, this step is going to take up a lot of your time.

That doesn’t mean FBA is bad – it just means you need to know what you’re getting into. A “passive income business” is not what you’re going to get with Nine University.

Some courses will teach you how to outsource all of this prep to another company, but that eats into your margins significantly. Amazon is already taking 30-40% just for being part of the FBA program, so you don’t exactly have a lot of wiggle room.

Finding winning products: “Hot” products are typically only popular for a few glorious months, and then they fall off. Again, that doesn’t make FBA a bad business – it just means you need to be constantly on the lookout for the next hot thing.

If you have a supplier that you’re on really good terms with, sometimes they’ll drop you hints and tell you what’s about to trend. But this won’t happen until you have a history of making 6-figures with one another.

What this really means is that you need to be innovative and detail-oriented when it comes to staying on top of trends. You want to be the first one to the product, not the last one struggling to turn a profit off of the big dog’s leftovers.

There’s always the option of serving the “evergreen” markets that have always been around, but to that I say good luck selling meal prep containers against the Tupper wares of the world.

So – we can safely add on another 3-4 hours worth of time each day trying to hunt for hot products.

Time: Despite what any Amazon FBA course seller tries to tell you when it comes to FBA (or any e-commerce business model), you’re looking at about 3 months of serious trial, error, & testing before even making $1 back.

It could easily take 6 months or more before you break even.

And this all assumes you’re actually getting it right out of the gate, which isn’t impossible with a good program – but it’s not necessarily the norm.

To be honest, it’s not uncommon to operate at a LOSS for the first year of any new business, so I’m not bashing FBA here – I’m just talking facts based on my own personal experience selling on Amazon.

But what if you could build a different (non-FBA) income stream and start seeing profits within your first few days?

I’m talking about a system that doesn’t have:

  • Inventory
  • Crappy margins
  • A 12-month wait time before you turn a profit
  • A continuous guessing wheel trying to find “hot products.”

Something that you could make anywhere from $2,000 – $10,000 with consistently, month after month?

A stream of income that you can build as high (or low) as you feel like building it?

If that sounds interesting, you might want to think about using the Digital Rental Method.

If you want to see what Nine University looks like on the inside, keep reading.

Overview Of Nine University

Rank: #6 among 30 Amazon FBA courses

Length: More than 16 hours with 168 Videos

Content: Great starting point for selling on Amazon.

Rating: 3 out of 5

The Nine University Cost: $1,997.00 (No financing option)

Nine University Course Review

Nine University Course Overview

Nine University is a program that teaches you how to sell products on Amazon, start your own business, and make money online.

Kale Abrahamson and Taylor Hiott developed this online course after discovering success selling on Amazon in 2017.

Let’s discuss a new software that they share with their clients to help them (and their clients) advance in the field.

Boost Nine

Nine University Launches Boost Nine
Boost Nine Pro by Nine University, Amazon FBA software.

Boost nine is a promotion for a variety of Amazon products.

Choosing a product to use as a newbie might be difficult due to the financial risk of purchasing a product.

And many people give up on the Amazon FBA business before they even get started because of this particular reason.

Kale and Taylor created this software to help people get up and running faster.

How Boost Nine Works?

skills, competence, knowledge

You’ll select a certain niche or keyword and enter it into the tool.

Then it will dive into the following factors:

1. Revenue– It will analyze the top ten products and determine how many generate more than $5,000 in monthly income. It’s not worth it if this doesn’t get at least a 7 score.

2. Reviews– It will check up the top ten products and estimate your marketability. If it already has a lot of reviews, it’s probably not going to be easy for a newbie.

3. Price– The tool will show you the average price of the top ten products in your search results. Using this information, you’ll be able to set a reasonable price for your product’s launch.

Is The Software Worth It?

Is It Worth It

Yes, in my opinion, especially if you’re just getting started selling on Amazon. Amazon sellers need to understand both their current market and potential future markets.

With the help of this tool, you can get a leg up on your competition and ensure that the products you intend to sell on Amazon are a profitable investment from the start.

Obviously, you’ll be spending a little extra for a tool that will save you from getting stuck if you’ve already signed up for the Nine University courses and paid the entry fee.

Nine University Amazon FBA Course Expectations


This training should meet your highest expectations. Not only is it an expensive ticket… It’s also been featured in publications like Markets Insider and Forbes!

When you’re mentioned in major publications such as these two…

It’s safe to assume Kale and Taylor will deliver nothing but the best.

They set out a step-by-step program that includes a product listing page, pay-per-click, product sourcing, marketing, and Facebook ads in this course that will get you up and running in no time!

Here’s what you’ll learn inside the course:

  • An Overview of the Amazon FBA Selling System
  • Profitable Product Selection (a proprietary SaaS developed by K&T)
  • Getting in Touch with a Supplier at the Elite Level 
  • How to Ship Your Product to Amazon (Transport Logistics)
  • Optimizing an Amazon Product Listing Page for Buyers
  • Making Your Product the Best-Selling Item in Your Amazon Category
  • Automating Your PPC Product Launch and Mechanizing Your Growth
  • How to use Facebook Ads to drive traffic

An In-depth Look At Nine University Courses

14 Day Bootcamp

Nine University Bootcamp

There are 14 days of “basic training” provided by Kale and Taylor before the course begins so that you can become an Amazon powerhouse!

Taking this boot camp will ensure that you’ll be in top shape when you start the course.

Some of the outcomes you can expect from this boot camp include:

  • High Self-Motivation
  • A clear vision of your goals and dreams, as well as a plan for getting there
  • Complete Understanding Of The Nine University Amazon FBA Profitable Product Selection Process
  • Actual Products That You Can Sell And Make Six-Figures On
  • You will choose your brand name and logo and the legal process.
  • You’ve decided on a product and started negotiations with your elite supplier

Running an eCommerce business like Amazon FBA can be difficult, but I believe that all entrepreneurs should participate in this type of training.

A brief summary of each video was provided by Kale so that you can keep track of where you are in the process.

The videos in this boot camp are around 3 hours long and are available to watch at any time.

Nine University Amazon FBA Course Introduction Module

Introduction Module

To be honest, this is a really basic introduction module.

Kale encourages his Nine University students to gear up and shoot for number 1.

He also tells everyone why it’s important to keep score the way he does. Keeping the score makes people work harder.

Nine University Course Week 1 Review: Foundational Bedrock Of Amazon FBA

LLC for Amazon FBA Business

You get right to work with this module.

Hopefully, you paid attention in boot camp because now they’re talking about business licenses and LLCs.

After those videos, it’s back to business as usual:

Walkthroughs of the Amazon Seller Central and Amazon App.

To round off the week, they provide you with two options for getting your business licensed.

Do it yourself or simply hire a company like PCS to do it for you.

But why should you form an LLC just to sell on Amazon?

Sorry for responding to your question with a new one…

But do you want to risk losing all of your profits by getting sued?

This module was both fast-paced and informative. It is critical to establish at least an LLC.

This video is 1 hour and 16 minutes long.

Nine University Course Week 2 Review: Scoping In A 7 Figure Amazon FBA Product

Finding The Best Product

This module discusses their many product-finding tools, such as BN, Kale and Taylor train, and Helium 10, which Bradley Sutton trains.

This is likely the most crucial phase in the Amazon FBA process, as explained by Kale in the nine university training.

It’s crucial since here is frequently when newcomers overthink, make mistakes, or give up.

He reminds us that whining about it won’t help us get through it and that it’s just one of those things that need to be done correctly.

Here are some recent changes to this nine university amazon FBA business training module over a year or so:

  • Additional research approaches
  • List of Prohibited Products

This part of the Nine University course is priceless. The duration of the videos demonstrates how in-depth they are. Kale, Taylor, and Bradley have done an outstanding job here.

This video lasts 3 hours and 36 minutes.

Nine University Course Week 3 Review: Partnering With Your Elite Amazon FBA Supplier

How To Find Best Suppliers Amazon FBA

By the end of this course training module, you should be able to complete the following eight steps:

  • How to Find the Supplier of Your Competitors
  • Determine the number of suppliers you will need to contact.
  • How to Communicate with Suppliers
  • How to Determine Your Shipping Requirements Correctly
  • What You Should Know About Samples
  • Making Use of 1688 in Your Negotiations
  • How Your Product Is Packaged And Designed
  • Why is it Still Profitable to Create a Product Insert

They assume that you have at least one or two products in mind that you want to sell by this stage in the course.

Now you just need a manufacturer.

This is when the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes into play.

K&T says that if you use the same manufacturers and suppliers as your competitors, you can at least be sure that the quality will be the same. There isn’t much room for error here.

When you take the Nine University course on how to sell products on Amazon, they tell you that you should use Alibaba. But things changed when Covid-19 hit.

All in all, the information is useful and relevant.

The video lasts 1 hour and 13 minutes.

Nine University Week 4 Review: Shipping To Amazon FBA Fulfillment Centers Without Hassle

Amazon Fulfillment Centers

There are 15 videos in this part that help explain how to deal with fulfillment centers so you can get through it as smoothly as possible.

There will be what feels like a million hand touches between the time you and the consumer place the order.

It can be hard to deal with fulfillment centers, but K helps by focusing on these main things:

  • Choosing the Most Appropriate Shipping Method for Your Product
  • Obtaining FNSKU Labels Through Your Seller Central Account
  • Instructing Your Supplier On Proper Product Labeling
  • Securing Your Product’s Quality
  • Amazon Shipping Nationally And Internationally
  • Using Freight Forwarders And Product Inspections
  • Making Payments To Your Vendor
  • Resolving Quality Issues At Home

This week’s KT9 training videos are all about Amazon’s complexity.

You must ensure that your products are accurately labeled and sent to the correct Amazon facility and check your products’ ranking and position online.

During this Nine-University course module, there is one video in particular that you must clearly emphasize to your supplier that it must be securely secured and taped. Otherwise, it may be lost.

Kale also explains the difference between a UPC and an Amazon FNSKU from seller central.

These are the hints that only the best FBA business courses provide.

This video is 46 minutes long.

Nine University Course Week 5 Review: Creating An Auto-Sales Listing

Create Auto Sale Listing

This is most likely the program module you’ve wanted to hear about!

Kale and Taylor lead you through the process of creating your own product-optimized listing in this module.

You have the option of implementing the strategies they teach yourself or hiring their DFY Honey Badger team to do it for you!

You will be given the following during this course module:

  • How to Outsource Listing Creation
  • How to Use Amazon to Improve the Visibility of Your Listing
  • How to Use Tools to Optimize Your Product Listing Page
  • Using the Scribbles and Frankenstein Tools in Helium 10 to Improve Your Listing (Done by Bradley Sutton)
  • Using Helium10’s Cerebro and Magnet to Find Keywords (Bradley Sutton)
  • How to Make the Most of Your Title, Bullets, Description, and Backend Keywords
  • Considering and Understanding the Viral Launch Opportunity Score. 
  • Making Your Listing More Enticing to Spanish-Speaking Minorities
  • Getting Rid of Listing Hijackers 

This is where Kale discusses his collaboration with Helium 10 and other similar things… It kind of looks like a soft sales pitch to me.

In addition, Kale discusses some tricks that may or may not work for you. Some of these tactics are considered “black hat,” such as the Canonical URL hack, which he shows in a video.

Even if these work in the short run… I can’t recommend these “hacks” with good conscience… However, it’s quite interesting that he shows us some of his personal tricks.

This video is 2 hours and 28 minutes long.

Nine University Course Week 6 Review: Making Your FBA Business Product The Product

Nine University Course Review

K&T discusses using photography and infographics to make your product look more enticing to the consumer in the Nine University week six training.

This is critical since your product must stand out from the crowd (in a good way). You’ll be at the top in no time if you use the photo optimization tactics taught here.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this Nine University module:

  • The Easy Way to Dominate in Photography
  • The Top 3 Photographic Types You Must Include In Your Listing
  • How to Get Studio & Lifestyle Photographs Quickly
  • How to Create Infographics Easily
  • Putting the Story Picture Strategy into Practice
  • How to Make Your Images Stand Out From Everyone Else’s
  • Boost Your Rankings with Specially Optimized Photos

This part was quite helpful; after all, as I’m sure you all know, looks are crucial for product purchasing.

This time around, Kale shared some tips that aren’t in conflict with Amazon’s policies. These are great because everyone can use them without worrying about negative consequences.

Nine University Week 7 Review: Pay Per Click And Ad Product Launching Course

Amazon Pay Per Click

They start preparing sellers for launch around the end of the course.

As a newbie attending Nine University courses, chances are you don’t have any listings ranking organically. According to K&T, the solution is to use Amazon’s ad platform.

On top of these eight topics, they provide you with a full PPC campaign checklist in video format:

  • Explained PPC Checklist
  • How to Acquire ASINs
  • PPC Campaigns Using Seller Tools
  • Using Keyword Research For Viral Launches
  • Start An Amazon Sponsored Ads Auto Campaign
  • Teikametrics For Campaign Optimization
  • Increasing Sales By Including Spanish Keywords
  • Using Cloned Auto Campaigns

This part of the course felt a little on the forced side. However, like most courses, this one offers a quick start option.

Even if it felt forced, the expertise shared by these six-figure sellers was present and valuable.

This video is 1 hour and 44 minutes long.

Nine University Bonus Facebook Ads Mini Course

Facebook Ads

The two guys have put together a pretty well-executed program. They teach you all you need to know about leveraging Facebook traffic to convert to sales on Amazon.

So, aside from Kale and Taylor’s expertise as FBA sellers…

What exactly is offered in this mini-course?

  • Why Are Facebook Ads Effective
  • Using Facebook Ads to Launch an Amazon Product
  • Getting Product Reviews Using ManyChat and Facebook Ads
  • How to Increase Reviews Exponentially
  • Using Facebook Pixels, Retargeting, and ROI Tracking
  • Boosting Sales with Facebook PPC

Although using Facebook ads to promote your business can be helpful… I discovered a better technique to obtain a return on traffic, but more on it in a bit.

This video is 1 hour and 18 minutes long.

Is Nine University A Scam?

Is It A Scam

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 Amazon FBAOpp Courses For 2024

Did Nine University Make The List?

Time for the million-dollar question: is Nine University a scam?

No, it’s not a “scam,” technically speaking. They aren’t going to take your money and run away, leaving you empty-handed.

You can make money with the program, but not nearly as easily as Kale and Taylor want you to think it is.

As with most FBA businesses, there is A LOT of work that needs to be done up-front, and there is really no guarantee of you being successful.

You’ll need to get very lucky and find an awesome product no one’s heard of and then pump a ton of volume into it while it lasts.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m a big proponent of front-loading work now so that you can make money later and sip out of coconuts on the beach.

But if I’m gonna do that, I want the rewards to be HIGH and virtually guaranteed.

I’d rather put in that same 3 months of work (in my spare time) & build a handful of Digital Rental Properties that each produces $500-$2,000 checks every single month afterward (AKA recurring income).

And the cool part is that you can do it in a lot less time than 3-months (I personally did it in my first 2 weeks of using the Digital Rental Method).

Unlike Amazon FBA, you can do it from anywhere in the world, so it’s a genuine “laptop-lifestyle” business.

All you need is an internet connection.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Living happily is the top priority.

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

What Is My Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2022?

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve drop-shipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord.

Whether you’re a complete newbie or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.

Here’s Why:

1)Time: If you’ve got a spare hour or two each day, you can do this. If you want to drop everything and go all-in, you can do this. More time obviously means faster results, but even putting in a few hours per day is enough to see real success.

And because of that flexibility, you don’t need to trade your time for money. Once the income starts, it’s recurring.

That means you can take a month off, travel the country, pursue a passion project, chill on the beach, or charter a boat across the world.

But you can only do that once you’ve created an income stream that doesn’t require YOU to be there all day, every day.

2) Ownership & Control: With Amazon FBA, you don’t technically own the customer base.

Amazon could literally shut you down overnight. They have a history of kicking suppliers off their platform or stopping payouts to affiliates for certain products once they’ve built their own.

Why pour your soul into a business that could be taken away from you at the drop of a dime?

With the Digital Rental Method, you literally own all of the assets, which means you have ultimate control.

3) Big Margins: With FBA, you’re often going to have really slim margins. That means you need to hit a serious scale to make serious money. This usually entails spending A LOT of money on ads and other methods for growing traffic to your product.

using the Digital Rental Method, your profit margin is nearly 100%. Watch here to learn how.

Just a reminder: these Digital Rental Properties are worth (at a minimum) $500/mo in semi-passive income. And each time you create another one, your income increases, and the effort put into creating the next property decreases.

Best-case scenario, you have properties bringing in over $3,000+/mo on auto-pilot.

4) It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income with Amazon FBA, you would need to sell twice as much inventory or double your profit margins. And I can guarantee you (from my fidget-spinner FBA days), that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

5) You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with FBA is that you’re basically only helping yourself. The world doesn’t need another B.S. gadget to consume.

It’s cool in the short term to make a quick buck, but it gets really old, really fast in the long term.

But With the Digital Rental Method, you’re helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

We’re not helping Jeff Bezos shoot another rocket into space – you’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other FBA programs like Nine University, which might make you money 12 months from now.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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