4 Tips To De-Escalate Conflict At Your Workplace

Updated On: November 15, 2023

By Hope

Before we get into it... who am i?

Always good to put a name to a face, so firstly, my name is Hope!

Like you, I was stuck working 8-10 hour days building someone else’s dream.

I worked at one of those cool tech companies that has omelet stations for breakfast & craft beer on tap for after hours.

To a lot of people that’s a dream, but to me… something was missing.

All I really wanted, was to actually enjoy life – more vacations, less stress, buy myself nice things without worrying about the cost… but that was something my 9-5 couldn’t provide me.

That was until a few years ago when I discovered a way to make money online by actually helping real people. 

People in this case were local business owners across the US.

Me and My Puppy

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

The page above is an example of how I do it. That one-page site generates $1,500/mo and I haven’t even touched it since it was put up.

That’s an $18,000/year raise from just one page.

That’s why local lead generation is my #1 business recommendation for recurring, semi-passive income. If you want to learn about that business model, click here.

They have no clue what it’s actually like to run the different types of businesses they write about.

I have absolutely no relationship with this program, so you can rest easy knowing I’m going to give you my honest opinion.

This review is written based on my own experiences with this business model.

All that being said, let’s jump into things.

4 Tips To De-Escalate Conflict At Your Workplace

Irrespective of how healthy your office is and how great an employer you are, you’re still likely to face the common workplace conflicts, which require being tackled head-on.

That being said, everyone tends to handle their workplace conflicts differently. While some face it with high abrasiveness, others avoid a confrontation altogether. Regardless, here at Center for Work Life, we believe conflict is always a distraction that needs to be eliminated as directly and quickly as possible.

Whether you are directly or indirectly involved in a conflict, as a responsible leader, it is your duty to put in your best efforts to help alleviate the conflict. This sometimes means disarming it, and other times it mean resolving it. We prepare out leaders in detecting which conflicts are which. As a first step though, here we want to introduce you to the three common sources of conflict. These are not the causes, but rather visibly where they begin. Therefore, it is your task to learn further details from thereon.

Sources of Workplace Conflict

  • Interpersonal
    Interpersonal conflicts can occur because of almost anything personal including working styles, personalities, work space, home life or what we call individual challenges.
  • Interdependence
    Interdependent conflicts occur when the work results of one employee affects the accomplishment of that of the other.
  • Leadership
    Leadership conflicts often result from the clash of ideas in the daily management of workplace duties and responsibilities, but also clashes of understanding, culture, or design of how management and staff communicate.


How to disarm conflict before resolving it?

  • Practice Empathy
    Although this can be hard, especially if you are directly impacted by the conflict, practicing empathy is a crucial step in lowering urgency. Try putting yourself in the shoes of others and validating their feelings.
  • Try Establishing a Communication Bridge
    Create an environment of open dialogue. Just speak with one rule only, use “I” statements only rather than “you” statements. You are not striving for solutions here, just clarity and freedom or the burden of conflict in and of itself.
  • Establish what the real issues are
    Hearing with clarity means, understanding with clarity. When someone feels they have a voice, they are now open to listen.
  • Ask for visual of best outcomes from all parties
    “In the best case scenario, what do you envision happening?” This simple question gets people to be unstuck and takes them from problem mode to resolution mode. You are establishing hope and that is exactly what is needed in times of angst and frustration.


Final Words

The beauty in all of us is that we are both logical and emotional beings. A good leader is able to appeal to both. Conflict is inevitable, but walking away feeling hopeless and belittled doesn’t have to be. The next time you are facing conflict know that you are empowered and one step closer to best outcomes. We are one click and one call away to your most intelligent outcomes for success. For more conflict resolution helpful tips and to talk to our special trained conflict resolution psychologist in a complimentary consultation, find us at www.centerforworklife.com. For more conflict resolution helpful tips and to talk to our specialty trained psychologist for a complimentary consultation.