Sell Like Crazy Review (2023): Does Sabri Suzy Have The Best Sales Advice?

Updated On: November 28, 2023
Sell Like Crazy Review

While building a business or making money online is entirely possible, it requires serious effort. There is no such thing as getting rich quickly. Building a high-5-or-6-figure business will take months of focused effort and will likely have some recurring costs for things like tools, softwares, etc. Make sure you understand these two points in any business opportunity you consider joining.

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Table of Contents

Program At A Glance

What I liked
Easy step-by-step system
Lessons are simple to follow
No fluff or beating around the bush
What I Didn’t Like
You need to buy ads to build a customer base
It can be difficult to get going
You will need lots of money to grow

Do you need an honest review of Sell Like Crazy?

Is the book Sell Like Crazy worth reading?

Should you believe and follow the book’s advice?

Like Sabri Suby, who claims to teach you how to sell anything and make more money. As a result, his book “Sell Like Crazy” is gaining popularity online.

But it could be a hyped-up scam.

This comprehensive review will help you decide whether or not to read Sell Like Crazy. All the answers are here.

I’ve read Sell Like Crazy. So I can tell you everything about the book.

Now, before getting into all the details here, I want to be totally up front so…

Sell Like Crazy claims to turn you into a 6-figure earner by becoming a “high-ticket closer.”

To put it simply, they teach you to do sales for online courses.

To clear the air here, you can in fact make 6-figures by doing high ticket sales.

The caveat? You’re essentially trading one job for another.

Competent salespeople will always be a need. And if you’re partnered with a good product to sell, you can earn some good income and work from pretty much anywhere you want.

The major downside here is that this all relies on things going 100% according to plan, i.e., people actually showing up to the phone calls that get booked for you, and having the motivation (and financial qualification), to actually buy from you.

And unless you’re working with the cream-of-the-crop course sellers that REALLY know how to do their marketing and follow-up, this is most likely not going to be the case.

So therein lies my biggest issue with being a “closer”: no matter how much money you may make in one month, you’re entirely at the mercy of another person’s whims in the next month (AKA your income can always be taken away from you).

The second biggest issue is lead quality. For most online programs, you’re looking at a 60% no-show rate (meaning people don’t show up to the call you have scheduled).

So if you set aside 8 hours for calls, you’ll maybe get to talk to 3-4 people at best. If you factor in only half of the people being financially qualified, you have maybe 2 people that could afford to buy from you (you then, of course, have to actually close them).

Keep in mind, that’s a best-case scenario.

Issue #3: commission rate. Most programs claim you’ll make $1,000+ per day in commissions.

The average commission for a coaching program is going to be around $500. That means you need to close 2 calls every single day to hit that number.

But if you’re only getting on calls with 2 people that could actually afford to buy from you, you’re going to need to have a 50-100% close rate. And to be frank, if you could do that… you should be selling your own stuff, not someone else’s.

The last issue is going to be consistency. Sales move in cycles. You’ll have high highs and very low lows. If you can deal with that emotional rollercoaster, then this one isn’t necessarily an issue for you.

If you’ve read some of my other articles, you’ll know that I recommend building a consistent, recurring income stream that comes in every single month.

What if you could build something that was mostly passive?

A reliable business that doesn’t require:

  • Talking all day on your phone
  • Wasting your life away with high no-show rates
  • Trading time for money
  • Living at the mercy of someone else’s decisions

An income stream that could drive consistent checks (anywhere from $500-$2,000 each) every single month, almost on autopilot?

One that you could build in your spare time, make as much (or as little) as you want to, and not have your head glued to a cell phone all day?

If that sounds interesting, you might want to look into using the Digital Rental Method

For the others, let’s get on with the review for Sell Like Crazy.

What Is Sell Like Crazy?

What Is Sell Like Crazy

Sabri Suby’s method helped him and his customers get hundreds of appointments.

Sell Like Crazy reveals his specific revenue-scaling method and how he conducts sales in his book.

Among other things, you’ll learn about the most common business blunders that keep them in a constant state of famine or abundance.

By reading this book, Sabri claims that you will gain a new perspective and a quick start in marketing and sales.

Key Concepts And Ideas

The process Sabri describes is divided into 8 phases:

  • Phase One: Understand And Identify Your Dream Buyer
  • Phase Two: Create The Perfect Bait For Your Dream Buyer
  • Phase Three: Capture Leads And Get Contact Details
  • Phase Four: The Godfather Strategy
  • Phase Five: Traffic
  • Phase Six: The Magic Lantern Technique
  • Phase Seven: Sales Conversion
  • Phase Eight: Automate And Multiply

Who Is Sabri Suby?

Who Is Sabri Suby

A single mother reared Sabri Suby as a youngster. To offer his siblings a higher standard of life, his mother worked three jobs. His mother’s perseverance greatly influenced him.

When he was eight years old, Sabri Suby tried various unconventional methods to supplement his family’s income.

He applied for his first sales job when he was 16 years old.

He and two other applicants were chosen over the other candidates for the job.

Despite this, he came in last place out of 13 sales team members.

When his performance did not improve, his boss threatened to fire him in seven days.

As a result of this situation, he had no choice but to immediately change his strategy.

In response to his callers’ objections, Suby challenged them to buy rather than give up. This is what he called a lethal money-making skill.

He eventually broke the team’s sales record, and his sales conversion numbers skyrocketed.

Sabri Suby claims that he quickly rose to become one of the top sales reps, earning around $2,000 per week as a teenager.

He stated that he used this accomplishment as a springboard to launch his own business.

After working as a salesperson for a few years, he founded King Kong, a digital marketing company.

His company hired dozens of people over the next few years. As a result, it appears that he is very successful in his marketing business.

However, I’m not sure if Sabri Suby is genuinely skilled at online marketing. If so, why does he reveal his secrets to others rather than keeping them to himself?

After all, if the secrets are known to others, no one will pay for his consulting services. He is not offering a free consultation.

Anyway, in the following section, we’ll look at what Sell Like Crazy is all about.

More About Sabri Suby

Sabri Suby is a serial entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Australia’s fastest-growing digital marketing agency.

Sabri started King Kong in his bedroom in 2014 and has been self-funding the company since. In less than five years, he developed a team of 54 professionals and made $20 million or more in total income (year to date).

As a frontiersperson in the digital marketing arena, his company has impacted 250,000 businesses in 42 countries and generated over $400 million in sales for him and his clients.

Sabri’s first book, ‘Sell Like Crazy’ – the ultimate marketing guide – was released in January 2019 and quickly became an international bestseller.

Sell Like Crazy Book Summary

Sell Like Crazy Book Summary

Think Like Billionaires

You’ll learn about Sabri’s mindset in the first chapter.

Business success requires an entrepreneurial attitude to follow the right route.

It’s nice that Sabri Suby doesn’t describe his point of view in philosophical jargon. Suby does this by removing what isn’t important and sticking to his point of view.

Sabri Suby’s lifestyle does not resemble other billionaires like Warren Buffett or Bill Gates. He stated that billionaires invest in assets that will provide a good return to achieve their objectives.

Sabri Suby investigates how these people snipe every second of the day after generalizing about their investments.

It’s appropriate for billionaires to delegate low-level tasks to outsourcers, such as maintaining their social media accounts, checking their emails, and posting live videos on Facebook.

Then he concentrates on what he refers to as “highly leveraged activities.” This is where you should put your money and time.

According to the Pareto principle, this 20% generates 80% of your return. Having said that, Sabri Suby isn’t content with simply experimenting with this concept.

In a book about common efficiency principles, he takes an entirely different course of action.

According to a study conducted by Sabri Suby, 4% of a company’s activities generate 64% of its revenue on average, rather than the popular 20 percent figure.

4% of a company’s work indeed yields only two-thirds of its return.

The new concept necessitates that you, as the business owner, drastically reduce your to-do list.

To find a silver lining, you may have to cut out 3/4 of the work on your 20 percent list.

According to Sabri Suby, paying complete attention to all highly leveraged business activities will result in the highest profits.

He explains in greater detail what tasks he is focusing on in the business as each chapter progresses.

Furthermore, by sorting through your list, he assists you in determining which items are relevant to your situation.

Sabri Suby believes it’s difficult to stay focused when so many distractions are around you. All of your attention is deflected by small tasks and voices clamoring for attention.

The Way To Sell Like Crazy

In this part, Suby makes the case that it’s your responsibility to market your company’s products or services (remember the 4% from earlier).

According to him, working and selling are not interchangeable terms.

As he explains, he gives some examples of how a regular baker thinks when he is selling baked goods.

As a business owner, Suby wants you to adopt the following mindset:

Reduce your emphasis on perfecting your craft and instead concentrate on marketing the products and services you offer.

The 500,000 Learning Curve

To understand why Suby was given this title, it is necessary to know where it originated.

It’s from his $500,000 in Sales Education tuition.

Some may assume that paying $150,000 for education is comparable to paying off a credit card.

Nonetheless, Sabri Suby claims that he spends his time on books, seminars, and courses.

When we consider how our college years shaped our lives, we are likely to conclude that they were enjoyable and memorable. Still, they did not teach us the fundamental skills and mindset required to succeed in the future.

According to him, most of his money was wasted on meaningless gimmicks promoted by so-called “gurus” and “specialists.”

After that, he actually started learning. He sought out and sought people who had an impact on thousands, if not millions, of people through sales and marketing skills, learning about their lives, interacting with other people, and copywriting.

He is still concentrated on the actions of individuals that resulted in domino-like effects (aka timeless strategies & tactics).

Sabrin Suby writes in his book that he decided to devote all of his time to learn from successful people.

He also mentions a couple of college dropouts who were successful.

  • The famous writer Robert Collier was born in the twentieth century.
  • Eugene Schwartz wrote the seminal book “Breakthrough Advertising.”
  • During the 1990s, David Ogilvy was an advertising tycoon in the United Kingdom.
  • Gary Halbert is a successful copywriter who has worked on numerous campaigns in various niches.
  • Gary Bencivenga worked as a copywriter at the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries.

In general, Suby encourages you to use long-term strategies rather than gimmicks and tricks in this section.

Make The Wisest Investments

Paid advertisements on Facebook and Google, along with an attractive offer, are used by Sabri Suby to assess the ROI of conventional investments.

As Suby suggests, you can maximize profits by creating a good offer and then running super-targeted marketing intel and focused advertisements around it.

Let’s look at each of the 8 stages of Sell Like Crazy.

What Exactly Is The 8-Phase Selling System In Sell Like Crazy?

Learn More About Sell Like Crazy

Sabri Suby claims that using the eight-phase selling technique can help you sell like crazy.

Phase 1: To Catch Your Dream Buyer

To Catch Your Dream Buyer

Author Suby compares and contrasts the claims of many marketing experts on selling hacks with the history of copywriting’s proven methods.

Long-term strategies aided King Kong’s growth.

The best move he makes is to feed your perception of cold internet users.

You can start increasing your sales by cultivating an awareness of the needs of your ideal clients.

Furthermore, he asserts that only a small percentage of the population attempts to buy time in any industry.

In contrast, many people are aware that they have problems but do not actively seek solutions.

Many people want to learn more about their various needs if education proves beneficial.

The vast majority of marketing firms today focus on a near-microscopic number of people who are currently looking to buy.

By failing to inform and update businesses on relevant news and updates, these agencies, according to Sabri Suby, become easy prey for would-be assassins.

What methods are there for determining what information is valuable?

Sabri Suby recommends that you learn the Halo Engage Operation.

He uses Halo, a First-Person Shooter (FPS) game, to attract clients.

If you want to win, you must first know your opponent.

The best marketing agencies place offers that tug at the heartstrings to direct their customers to heaven.

The protein for this phase can be found in Suby’s detailed instructions on how to burrow into the minds of your ideal buyer. As a result, you may know more than they do.

He claims that you must go deeper to make your craft marketing messages stand out and win customers. It would be beneficial to learn what your customers truly want.

Creating Your Dream Buyer Avatar

Read and answer these Nine Questions to define your dream client:

  1. Where does the dream buyer hang out and congregate?
  2. What are their biggest frustrations and challenges?
  3. Where does the dream buyer get their information?
  4. What are their hopes, dreams, and desires?
  5. What is their preferred form of communication?
  6. What are their biggest fears?
  7. What exact language, phrases, and vernacular do they use?
  8. What makes them happy?
  9. What does a day in the dream buyer’s life look like?

Phase 2: To Make A Perfect Bait: Craft Marketing Messages

Sabri Suby talks about fishing, particularly the preparation of lures for several high-end clientele.

He demonstrates all of the benefits of HVCO using the comparison that most businesses use (High-Value Content Offers).

Suby has provided the following information to assist you in this matter:

  • Make a catchy headline to grab people’s attention.
  • Make sure that each point addresses a pressing issue.
  • Simplicity is essential.
  • A headline is crucial in content marketing.

That’s why Suby spends most of this section going over the best headlines from the last 70 years.

Suby displays a variety of things, such as their prominent branding, looks/tips, backgrounds, and a variety of methods for changing appearances in general.

The following is a summary of the headline requirements:

  • The ability to capture readers’ attention and practically force them to continue reading.
  • Numbers
  • Create irresistible intrigue.
  • Show them what they stand to gain.

He also provides a list of different HVCO types that you can collect to get your creative juices flowing.

Phase 3: To Capture Leads And Get Contact Details

To Capture Leads And To Get Contact Details

The question of how to get in front of your target consumer is undoubtedly on your mind if you’ve contemplated mastering digital marketing.

Similarly, you have customers the same way you have a partner; you must get to know each other before proposing.

This phase exemplifies Suby’s method of entertaining a customer.

The process begins with a landing page that allows you to opt in, so you won’t feel awkward asking about the first date.

A high-converting landing page now consists of several components. Suby covers the five items listed below in this phase.

  • A catchy headline will pique the interest of readers.
  • Subheadline summarizing the details of your offer and incredible deal
  • Convincing bullet points
  • Visual materials or infographics demonstrate what they will receive.
  • The form requires both names and email addresses.

Sabri Suby, who has mastered the art of advertising archaeology, reveals some skeletal formulas for creating the most profitable headlines.

Phase 4: Godfather Strategy

From the celebrated Godfather film, Sabri Suby says, “It’s the game plan to have an irresistible offer.”

According to Sabri Suby, using this offer may melt a prospect’s objections and eliminate friction between sales and you.

You have enticed a schedule to email them in exchange for an HVCO. After submitting their information, they want to increase their partnership and sales levels with you.

Sabri Suby demonstrates how to make an irresistible offer in this section.

He emphasizes a common, well-known fact in his first point: “Sell what people want.”

Many people dedicate their time and effort to creating products that no one wants. In essence, there is no demand for it.

Many people prefer to do the simplest thing possible rather than researching what is purely available on the market.

This research is what I refer to as “due diligence.” In other words, it’s where we’ll test our market by running a few paid ads.

On page 57, Suby discusses his “due diligence” worksheet.

He suggests that you have two columns.

The first column should be titled “Features,” It should contain a list of all the features of your product.

The final section should include the word “Benefits,” where you can translate each feature into its corresponding advantage.

Meanwhile, you must ensure that enough people buy your product to save time.

This product differentiates itself from hundreds of competitors’ products distinguishes it.

Phase 5: Boost Traffic Using Google And Facebook Ads

Boost Traffic Using Google And Facebook Ads

Sabri Suby employs a lot of acronyms to track your company’s profitability as you increase your advertising and potential customers.

Then he demonstrates how to write ads and set up high-converting Google and Facebook pay-per-click ads.

The most important acronym to remember is CPA (Cost Per Acquisition).

A particular amount of money must be spent to acquire a new customer.

How much money do you spend on all paid advertisements? Suby gives you advice based on how much money you make from your client. The cost of acquiring that client is then calculated.

In addition, he describes a company that invested in a platform to change its ad algorithm, causing its revenues to evaporate faster than a water pond in the harsh Sahara desert.

Entrepreneurs are encouraged to spread their time across three platforms rather than concentrating on just one.

Reaching out to more people will diversify risks and increase the number of potential customers.

Phase 6: Magic Lantern Technique For Your Own Business

Even though you have more Traffic on your page, only 3% of people buy your item right away.

How can you put the heat on your readers who sign up for your HVCO but do not buy your item or upsell?

Sabri Suby recommends employing the Magic Lantern. Consider it to be a blue light that attracts insects.

In reality, Sabri Suby uses Sell Like Crazy as a lead magnet for his own consulting firm, King Kong. He intends to convince people to pay for his exorbitant consulting fees.

That’s why he works so hard to promote his book as a lead-generation tool. This type of sales funnel is very common nowadays, with gurus offering a “free” book for high-ticket paying clients.

As a result, you can anticipate learning a great deal from a lead magnet. It’s just a stepping stone to establishing his authority.

As a result, your prospects are constantly enticed to you, which keeps them surrounded.

It’s essentially a list of emails about video training, ideal for leads who opt into your landing page without purchasing anything.

Suby explains some of the tasks involved as he shares the magic lantern’s experience with the series. As a result, he claims, the video sequence can convert a sizable portion of the 97% disinterested into eager and genuine buyers.

Suby shows several illustrations to demonstrate the state’s transition for potential clients as an example of how he puts one together for his client.

With each step that increases trust, the level of skepticism decreases.

Suby employs this technique to use your prospect as a guide to the desired outcome. As a result, you provide a plethora of values and unrivaled goodwill.

Phase 7: Process Of Sales

Sabri Suby claims that you will get more appointments from people who know you once you start building trust using the Magic Lantern Technique.

He discusses what 90% of salespeople do to explain how an average salesperson botches sales.

Sabri State, 90% of salespeople make mistakes. They only shout out the benefits and features of their products and services during the presentation, hoping to sell them.

Read Our In Depth Breakdown Of The Top 5 OppSales Courses For 2024

Did Sell Like Crazy Review Make The List?

Below are Suby’s steps:

  • Step 1: Think about any superficial or programmed responses while determining the valid reason for the call.
  • Step 2: Discover your prospect’s motivations, goals, and desired outcomes.
  • Step 3: Consider the offer. You will know the direction. It’s time to assess their efforts, obstacles, and frustrations.
  • Step 4: Help your prospects develop a strategy to achieve their goals. The Godfather offers also provides this. This is where Suby believes sales pitches fall flat. It’s also critical to show prospects that you’ll meet their needs by taking action.
  • Step 5: Help them engage. Maybe you’re thinking, “Is this the kind of help I need?” Consider your help as an appetizer (aka the big admission) when they really want a meal.
  • Step 6: They’ve shown their dedication. So take your time explaining your product or service. Remember to relate your explanation to their prior desires and pains. You must discuss more than your products. SUBY provides specifics for potential clients.
  • Step 7: Before closing the deal, determine the consumer’s temperature (lukewarm, hot, or cold). On your calls, use the close that works best for your prospect. If John is a 5/10, you should be more confrontational, as he is still hesitant to commit. Commitment is required to do the actual work. So he asks why (your issue) is essential now.

Phase 8: Automation & Multiplication

Automation And Multiplication

In the last stages, I’d want to elaborate on Suby’s suggestions for automating and recruiting.

According to Sabri Suby, he’s in charge of hundreds of customers and workers.

He provides a system to automate marketing and sales, such as filling out an email, writing a sales page, shooting videos, and recording webinars.

Sell Like Crazy Review: Final Verdict

The Final Verdict

That’s all I’ve got for my Sell Like Crazy review.

While the book may teach you some sales techniques with a clear and credible explanation, don’t expect to become a marketing expert after reading it. And though Sabri Suby makes many bold claims in his advertisements, don’t believe everything he says.

Remember, he’s a salesperson, so don’t expect him to give you the secrets for free.

You can skip this book if you don’t have time because it isn’t a business bible.

If you don’t already have an online business and want to start one, I’ll show you how to create one and make passive income online.

Are There Alternatives To Sell Like Crazy?

Other Business Models To Choose From

Yes, there are plenty of other business models to choose from if you want to pursue this making money online. Here are just a few:

Is Sell Like Crazy A Scam?

Is It A Scam

Time for the $1,000,000 question: is Sell Like Crazy a scam?

No, it’s not a “scam,” technically speaking. You can 100% make money with it, and to be honest, if you’re already stuck trading your time for money in some 9-5, it’s not a bad gig.

The thing to keep in mind is that you are NOT creating a lasting business. You’re changing jobs. You’re not going to have the luxury of sippin’ coconuts on the beach, because you will always be trading your time for money.

That doesn’t mean Sell Like Crazy is bad. You just need to be realistic with what you’re buying.

If half of your day is spent twiddling your thumbs because your scheduled call didn’t pick up, you could easily have spent that time building a reliable recurring income stream.

Wouldn’t you rather spend a few hours of your free time each day to generate a $500-$2,000 check that would continue to come in month after month?

And what if you could get that first payment within a week?

And what if you could double or triple it by the end of that month?

Well, that’s what’s possible when you become a Digital Landlord

All you need is a laptop and some internet.

Some of my friends are Digital Rental Method that run their 6-figure businesses from:

  • Camping trips at national parks
  • Beachfront in Hawaii
  • On the road in a camper van (with a pet pig!)

They focus on living an enjoyable life first, and focus on income second. All thanks to this program

They can take weeks or months off, and money keeps rolling in.

Living happily is the top priority.

If the thought of living perpetually at your dream vacation spot interests you, using the Digital Rental Method might be for you!

What Is My #1 Recommendation To Make Money Online In 2022?

Make Money Online With Digital Landlord

I’ve personally tried all of the major online business models:

  • I’ve sold high-ticket coaching programs
  • I’ve sold fidget spinners through Amazon FBA
  • I’ve dropshipped a toilet bowl putting green on Shopify
  • I’ve sold women’s health supplements via Clickbank affiliate marketing

And I made money with all of them, so trust me when I say: there is no “perfect” business model.

That being said, my #1 recommendation for making real money online is, hands-down: being a Digital Landlord

Whether you’re a complete newbie, or you’ve been around the block before but have never had that “big win” to propel you forward, using the Digital Rental Method is for you.


Time commitment: If you have an hour or two per day, you can do this. Even if you want to drop everything and commit fully, that works too.

You don’t have to be constantly working to make money. The income you generate is recurring.

Imagine taking off for a month to places like Hawaii, Paris, National Parks, & other spots people only dream about – all while collecting dozens of little $500-$2,000 checks. It’s like a dream come true.

But it’s only possible to do it when you’ve separated your income from your time.

Complete control: When you work as a salesperson, you don’t own or control a thing. You can’t even decide what type of leads you get, how many you get, or how much you get paid for them.

When you own and control Digital Rental Properties, YOU own the assets, which means YOU are in control.

It’s Effectively Copy-Paste: Here’s my favorite part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up, you can literally copy-paste another version of it and find another willing “renter” in a few days. DOUBLING your income doesn’t get much easier than that…

If you wanted to double your income with high ticket sales, you would need to work double the hours, or double your close rate. And I can guarantee you, that’s a lot harder than a few clicks & a phone call.

You’re Helping REAL People: My biggest gripe with high ticket sales is that it’s just another job.

But With the Digital Rental Method, you’re building a lasting business by helping solve REAL problems that people are ASKING for help with:

Small local businesses around the world need one thing: customers. Without them, their business would fall apart. If you can provide those customers, they’re going to be really happy – and they’re going to pay you for it.

You’re helping a struggling mother or father put food on the table for their families, put their kids through college, or simply live life a little bit more comfortably.

Having this type of impact on the world is what will help you sleep soundly at night.

So, the rest is up to you. You could keep looking at other high ticket sales programs like Sell Like Crazy, which might work out.

You could keep researching and researching for the next few months (or few years), never making a concrete decision.

OR, you can look deep inside, think about those dreams, hopes, & desires, and make the decision to ACTUALLY make it happen, just like it has for thousands of other students before you.

Making a fortune while actually helping real people that need it.

If this sounds like you, click here to see how it all works.



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